bloodVolume |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation bloodVolume EnglishLanguage "The Quantity of Blood present in a Human. A Liter of blood weights 2.33 pounds (according to https:/ / calculate/ volume-to-weight) or 1060 kg/ m3 (Wikipedia) and 7 percent of a HumanAdult's weight.") | Medicine.kif 5892-5894 | |
(domain bloodVolume 1 Human) | Medicine.kif 5890-5890 | |
(domain bloodVolume 2 VolumeMeasure) | Medicine.kif 5891-5891 | |
(instance bloodVolume BinaryPredicate) | Medicine.kif 5889-5889 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage bloodVolume "%1 has %2 of blood") | Medicine.kif 5895-5895 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (typicalBloodVolume ?M (MeasureFn ?N ?U)) (holdsDuring ?T (bloodVolume ?H (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U))) (instance ?H ?M) (greaterThan (MultiplicationFn ?N2 2.0) ?N) (lessThan ?N2 (MultiplicationFn 0.8 ?N))) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H SevereBloodLoss))) |
Medicine.kif 5968-5982 | |
(=> (and (typicalBloodVolume ?M (MeasureFn ?N ?U)) (holdsDuring ?T (bloodVolume ?H (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U))) (instance ?H ?M) (lessThan (MultiplicationFn ?N2 2.0) ?N)) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H CatastrophicBloodLoss))) |
Medicine.kif 5950-5962 | |
(=> (and (typicalBloodVolume ?M (MeasureFn ?N ?U)) (instance ?MI ?M) (holdsDuring ?T (and (not (attribute ?H DiseaseOrSyndrome)) (bloodVolume ?H (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U))))) (approximateValue ?N2 ?N)) |
Medicine.kif 5933-5944 | |
(=> (bloodVolume ?H ?V) (and (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Blood) (contains ?H ?B) (instance ?H Human) (measure ?B ?V))) (not (exists (?B2) (and (instance ?B2 Blood) (contains ?H ?B2) (not (piece ?B2 ?B))))))) |
Medicine.kif 5897-5912 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?H HumanAdult) (measure ?H (MeasureFn ?N Pounds))) (and (bloodVolume ?H (MeasureFn ?N2 Liter)) (equal ?N2 (DivisionFn (MultiplicationFn ?N 0.07) 2.33)))) |
Medicine.kif 5915-5924 |