Fruit |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Fruit EnglishLanguage "Fruits comes from the flowering &part of a FloweringPlant and contain Seeds. [Wikipedia]") | Food.kif 2176-2177 | |
(externalImage Fruit " food/ fruit_3.png") | pictureList.kif 449-449 | |
(subclass Fruit FruitOrVegetable) | Food.kif 2175-2175 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(industryProductType FruitFarming Fruit) | Economy.kif 6193-6193 | |
(initialPart Jam Fruit) | Food.kif 1754-1754 | |
(subclass Apple Fruit) | Food.kif 2179-2179 | |
(subclass Avocado Fruit) | Food.kif 2281-2281 | |
(subclass Berry Fruit) | Food.kif 2198-2198 | |
(subclass CitrusFruit Fruit) | Food.kif 2325-2325 | |
(subclass DateFruit Fruit) | Food.kif 2188-2188 | |
(subclass Grape Fruit) | Food.kif 2288-2288 | |
(subclass Melon Fruit) | Food.kif 2290-2290 | |
(subclass Olive Fruit) | Food.kif 2294-2294 | |
(subclass Peach Fruit) | Food.kif 2758-2758 | |
(subclass PearFruit Fruit) | Food.kif 2193-2193 | |
(subclass Strawberry Fruit) | Food.kif 3481-3481 | |
(subclass TamarindFruit Fruit) | Food.kif 3487-3487 | |
(subclass Tomato Fruit) | Food.kif 2286-2286 | |
(subclass TropicalFruit Fruit) | Food.kif 2364-2364 | |
(subclass WineGrape Fruit) | Economy.kif 4730-4730 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Fruit "水果") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 25112-25112 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Fruit "水果") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 25111-25111 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Fruit "fruit") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 25110-25110 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (equal ?O (OrganicObjectFn ?S)) (subclass ?O OilFromPlant) (or (subclass ?S Seed) (subclass ?S Fruit))) (exists (?P) (and (subclass ?P FloweringPlant) (initialPart ?S ?P)))) |
Economy.kif 4532-4543 | |
(=> (and (subclass ?CLASS Fruit) (equal ?CLASS Cucumber)) (initialPart ?CLASS CucumberPlant)) |
Economy.kif 4223-4227 | |
(=> (and (subclass ?CLASS Fruit) (equal ?CLASS Eggplant)) (initialPart ?CLASS EggplantPlant)) |
Economy.kif 4277-4281 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?H Hulling) (patient ?H ?O)) (or (instance ?O Seed) (instance ?O Fruit))) |
Food.kif 174-180 | |
(=> (instance ?J Jam) (exists (?B ?F ?S) (and (instance ?B Boiling) (patient ?B ?F) (instance ?F Fruit) (patient ?B ?S) (instance ?S Sugar) (result ?B ?J)))) |
Food.kif 1760-1769 | |
(=> (instance ?S Schnapps) (exists (?D ?F) (and (instance ?D Distilling) (instance ?F Fruit) (resource ?D ?F) (result ?D ?S)))) |
Food.kif 3368-3375 | |
(=> (instance ?S Sorbet) (material Fruit ?S)) |
Food.kif 3448-3450 |