muscleOrigin |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation muscleOrigin EnglishLanguage "The origin of a muscle is an attachment site that connects the MMuscle to a Bone or other BodyPart. This point is typically proximal to the body and does not move during MuscularContraction (relative to StandardAnatomicalPosition). This is a relationship between classes of things, where a typical and healthy Human (and likely more broadly for Primates) will have a muscle with the given origin point. [from Wikipedia]") | Anatomy.kif 1679-1683 | |
(domainSubclass muscleOrigin 1 Muscle) | Anatomy.kif 1686-1686 | |
(domainSubclass muscleOrigin 2 BodyPart) | Anatomy.kif 1687-1687 | |
(instance muscleOrigin BinaryPredicate) | Anatomy.kif 1685-1685 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage muscleOrigin "the origin of %1 is %2") | Anatomy.kif 1688-1688 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage muscleOrigin "muscle origin") | Anatomy.kif 1689-1689 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (muscleOrigin ?MC ?BPC) (instance ?H Human) (attribute ?H Healthy)) (exists (?M ?BP) (and (instance ?M ?MC) (instance ?BP ?BPC) (part ?M ?H) (part ?BP ?H) (connects ?M ?BP)))) |
Anatomy.kif 1695-1706 | |
(=> (and (muscleOrigin ?MC ?BPC) (instance ?H Human) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H StandardAnatomicalPosition)) (attribute ?H Healthy) (instance ?C MuscularContraction) (during (WhenFn ?C) ?T) (instance ?M ?MC) (part ?M ?H) (instrument ?C ?M) (physicalEnd ?E ?M) (meetsSpatially ?E ?BP) (holdsDuring (BeginFn ?C) (located ?E ?L))) (holdsDuring (EndFn ?C) (located ?E ?L))) |
Anatomy.kif 1708-1729 | |
(=> (muscleOrigin ?MC ?BPC) (connectedBodyPart ?MC ?BPC)) |
Anatomy.kif 1691-1693 |
appearance as argument number 0 |