muscleInsertion |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation muscleInsertion EnglishLanguage "The insertion of a muscle is an attachment site that connects the MMuscle to a Bone. This point is typically distal to the body and moves during MuscularContraction (relative to StandardAnatomicalPosition).[from Wikipedia]") | Anatomy.kif 1731-1733 | |
(domainSubclass muscleInsertion 1 Muscle) | Anatomy.kif 1736-1736 | |
(domainSubclass muscleInsertion 2 BodyPart) | Anatomy.kif 1737-1737 | |
(instance muscleInsertion BinaryPredicate) | Anatomy.kif 1735-1735 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage muscleInsertion "the insertion point of %1 is %2") | Anatomy.kif 1738-1738 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage muscleInsertion "muscle insertion") | Anatomy.kif 1739-1739 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (muscleInsertion ?MC ?BPC) (instance ?H Human) (attribute ?H Healthy)) (exists (?M ?BP) (and (instance ?M ?MC) (instance ?BP ?BPC) (part ?M ?H) (part ?BP ?H) (connects ?M ?BP)))) |
Anatomy.kif 1745-1756 | |
(=> (and (muscleInsertion ?MC ?BPC) (instance ?H Human) (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H StandardAnatomicalPosition)) (attribute ?H Healthy) (instance ?C MuscularContraction) (during (WhenFn ?C) ?T) (instance ?M ?MC) (part ?M ?H) (instrument ?C ?M) (physicalEnd ?E ?M) (meetsSpatially ?E ?BP) (holdsDuring (BeginFn ?C) (located ?E ?L))) (holdsDuring (EndFn ?C) (not (located ?E ?L)))) |
Anatomy.kif 1758-1780 | |
(=> (muscleInsertion ?MC ?BPC) (connectedBodyPart ?MC ?BPC)) |
Anatomy.kif 1741-1743 |
appearance as argument number 0 |