grainSize |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation grainSize EnglishLanguage "grainSize is a BinaryRelation describing the diameter measure of a particle.") | Food.kif 1076-1077 | |
(domain grainSize 1 Object) | Food.kif 1079-1079 | |
(domain grainSize 2 RealNumber) | Food.kif 1080-1080 | |
(instance grainSize BinaryPredicate) | Food.kif 1075-1075 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(format EnglishLanguage grainSize "%2 is the diameter in UnitOFLength of %1") | Food.kif 1081-1081 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage grainSize "grain size") | Food.kif 1078-1078 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C CoarseGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 1.0)) |
Food.kif 1107-1112 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C ExtraCoarseGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 1.5)) |
Food.kif 1095-1100 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C ExtraFineGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 0.1)) |
Food.kif 1167-1172 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C FineGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 0.3)) |
Food.kif 1155-1160 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C MediumCoarseGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 0.85)) |
Food.kif 1119-1124 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C MediumFineGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 0.5)) |
Food.kif 1143-1148 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C CoffeeGrind) (attribute ?C MediumGrind) (grainSize ?C ?L)) (equal ?L 0.75)) |
Food.kif 1131-1136 | |
(=> (and (instance ?G Grain) (grainSize ?G ?L)) (approximateDiameter ?G (MeasureFn ?L UnitOfLength))) |
Food.kif 1083-1088 |
consequent |
(=> (and (instance ?A CoffeeGrindAttribute) (attribute ?C ?A) (instance ?C CoffeeGrind)) (exists (?L ?X) (and (grainSize ?C ?L) (instance ?X LengthMeasure) (equal ?X (MeasureFn ?L Millimeter))))) |
Food.kif 1063-1073 |