connectedBodyPartTypes |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation connectedBodyPartTypes EnglishLanguage "Parts of a healthy organism that are present and connected to each other.") | Anatomy.kif 25-26 | |
(domainSubclass connectedBodyPartTypes 1 BodyPart) | Anatomy.kif 27-27 | |
(domainSubclass connectedBodyPartTypes 2 BodyPart) | Anatomy.kif 28-28 | |
(domainSubclass connectedBodyPartTypes 3 Organism) | Anatomy.kif 29-29 | |
(instance connectedBodyPartTypes TernaryPredicate) | Anatomy.kif 24-24 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (connectedBodyPartTypes ?P1 ?P2 ?O) (instance ?OC ?O) (not (attribute ?H DiseaseOrSyndrome))) (exists (?PC1 ?PC2) (and (instance ?PC1 ?P1) (instance ?PC2 ?P2) (not (equal ?PC1 ?PC2)) (part ?PC1 ?OC) (part ?PC2 ?OC) (connected ?PC1 ?PC2)))) |
Anatomy.kif 32-46 | |
(=> (connectedBodyPartTypes ?P1 ?P2 ?O) (connectedBodyPartTypes ?P2 ?P1 ?O)) |
Anatomy.kif 48-50 |
consequent |
(=> (connectedBodyPartTypes ?P1 ?P2 ?O) (connectedBodyPartTypes ?P2 ?P1 ?O)) |
Anatomy.kif 48-50 |
appearance as argument number 0 |