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Sigma KEE - War

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation War ChineseLanguage "这是一个由两个或以上 GeopoliticalArea 或 由 GeopoliticalArea 所组成的 Organization 之间的军事对抗。就如相应的定义指出,War 是由多场 Battle 所组成的。") chinese_format.kif 3291-3293
(documentation War EnglishLanguage "A military confrontation between two or more GeopoliticalAreas or Organizations whose members are GeopoliticalAreas. As the corresponding axiom specifies, a War is made up of Battles.") Merge.kif 13373-13375
(subclass War ViolentContest) Merge.kif 13372-13372

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass CivilWar War) Mid-level-ontology.kif 19715-19715
(termFormat ChineseLanguage War "战争") chinese_format.kif 1210-1210
(termFormat EnglishLanguage War "war") english_format.kif 1637-1637
(termFormat FrenchLanguage War "guerre") french_format.kif 888-888
(termFormat Hindi War "yuddha") terms-hindi.txt 421-421
(termFormat ItalianLanguage War "Guerra") terms-it.txt 424-424
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage War "戦争") japanese_format.kif 2572-2572
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage War "Guerra") portuguese_format.kif 840-840
(termFormat cb War "gubat") terms-cb.txt 426-426
(termFormat cz War "war") terms-cz.txt 460-460
(termFormat ro War "rãzboi") relations-ro.kif 909-909
(termFormat tg War "digmaan") terms-tg.txt 425-425


        (instance ?WAR War)
        (agent ?WAR ?A))
        (WhenFn ?WAR)
        (attribute ?A WarState)))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 1502-1507
        (instance ?WAR War)
        (agent ?WAR ?AGENT))
        (instance ?AGENT GeopoliticalArea)
            (instance ?AGENT Organization)
            (forall (?MEMBER)
                    (member ?MEMBER ?AGENT)
                    (instance ?MEMBER GeopoliticalArea))))))
Merge.kif 13384-13395
    (instance ?WAR War)
    (exists (?BATTLE)
            (instance ?BATTLE Battle)
            (subProcess ?BATTLE ?WAR))))
Merge.kif 13377-13382


    (hostileForces ?U1 ?U2)
    (exists (?WAR ?A1 ?A2)
            (instance ?WAR War)
            (contestParticipant ?WAR ?A1)
            (contestParticipant ?WAR ?A2)
            (subOrganization ?U1
                (GovernmentFn ?A1))
            (subOrganization ?U2
                (GovernmentFn ?A2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8454-8462
    (instance ?BATTLE Battle)
    (exists (?WAR)
            (instance ?WAR War)
            (subProcess ?BATTLE ?WAR))))
Merge.kif 13404-13409

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