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Sigma KEE - USCustomsAndBorderProtection

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation USCustomsAndBorderProtection EnglishLanguage "The US government organization charged with protecting the integrity of US national borders, primarily by detecting and preventing attempts at illegal immigration.") Government.kif 4767-4770
(instance USCustomsAndBorderProtection GovernmentOrganization) Government.kif 4761-4761
(instance USCustomsAndBorderProtection PoliceOrganization) Government.kif 4771-4771
(subOrganization USCustomsAndBorderProtection DepartmentOfHomelandSecurity) Government.kif 4765-4765

appearance as argument number 2

(conventionalLongName "US Customs and Border Protection" USCustomsAndBorderProtection) Government.kif 4762-4762
(conventionalShortName "Border Patrol" USCustomsAndBorderProtection) Government.kif 4764-4764
(conventionalShortName "US Border Patrol" USCustomsAndBorderProtection) Government.kif 4763-4763
(termFormat ChineseLanguage USCustomsAndBorderProtection "美国海关和边境保护局") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60820-60820
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage USCustomsAndBorderProtection "美國海關和邊境保護局") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60819-60819
(termFormat EnglishLanguage USCustomsAndBorderProtection "US customs and border protection") domainEnglishFormat.kif 60818-60818

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