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Sigma KEE - Insoluble

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Insoluble ChineseLanguage "如果一种 &Substance 有 Insoluble SolubilityAttribute 的话,那么它就不能和另外一个 Substance 结合成为一种均匀混合物。") Geography.kif 7346-7347
(documentation Insoluble EnglishLanguage "If a &Substance has the SolubilityAttribute of being Insoluble, then it cannot be combined with another Substance to become a solution mixture.") Geography.kif 7342-7344
(subclass Insoluble SolubilityAttribute) Geography.kif 7353-7353

appearance as argument number 2

(contraryAttribute Soluble Insoluble) Geography.kif 7325-7325
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Insoluble "不可溶的") Geography.kif 7351-7351
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Insoluble "insoluble") Geography.kif 7349-7349


        (instance ?X Substance)
        (attribute ?X Insoluble))
            (exists (?Y ?Z)
                    (instance ?Y Substance)
                    (instance ?Z Solution)
                    (piece ?X ?Z)
                    (piece ?Y ?Z))) Possibility)))
Geography.kif 7355-7367


    (instance ?Z Colloid)
    (exists (?P ?S)
            (part ?P ?Z)
            (attribute ?P Insoluble)
            (approximateDiameter ?P
                (MeasureFn ?S Nanometer))
            (greaterThan 977.0 ?S)
            (greaterThan ?S 0.95))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21849-21858

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