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Sigma KEE - Faucet

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Faucet EnglishLanguage "A Tube with a Valve meant to control flow of a Fluid. This is differentiated from other combinations of values and pipes in that the valve is meant to control the exit of fluid from the pipe at a site close to that of the valve control. It is also a typicalPart of the fixtures in a Bathroom or Kitchen.") engineering.kif 927-930
(subclass Faucet FluidPowerDevice) engineering.kif 932-932
(typicalPart Faucet Bathroom) engineering.kif 936-936
(typicalPart Faucet Kitchen) engineering.kif 935-935

appearance as argument number 2

(partTypes Valve Faucet) engineering.kif 933-933
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Faucet "faucet") engineering.kif 937-937


        (instance ?F Faucet)
        (instance ?LM LiquidMotion)
        (patient ?LM ?L)
        (located ?LM ?F))
            (WhenFn ?LM))
            (exists (?T)
                    (instance ?T Tube)
                    (contains ?T ?L))))))
engineering.kif 939-952


    (instance ?TW TapWater)
    (exists (?LM ?F)
            (instance ?LM WaterMotion)
            (patient ?LM ?TW)
            (origin ?LM ?F)
            (instance ?F Faucet))))
Food.kif 276-283

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