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Sigma KEE - Espresso

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Espresso EnglishLanguage "An Espresso is the result of EspressoMaking. A single shot of espresso usually contains approximately 25-30 ml of DrinkingWater. DarkRoast CoffeeBeans are usually used for making espresso coffee. Espresso is served on its own, and is also used as the base for various other coffee drinks, including caffè latte, cappuccino, caffè macchiato, caffè mocha, flat white, and caffè Americano.[Wikipedia]") Food.kif 740-744
(ingredient Espresso Americano) Food.kif 1307-1307
(roomTempState Espresso Liquid) Mid-level-ontology.kif 31779-31779
(subclass Espresso Coffee) Food.kif 739-739

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Espresso "espresso") domainEnglishFormat.kif 64853-64853
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Espresso "lungo") Food.kif 767-767


        (instance ?A Americano)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (part ?W ?A)
        (instance ?E Espresso)
        (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
        (measure ?W
            (MeasureFn 90.0 CelsiusDegree))
        (mixtureRatio ?E ?W ?V1 ?V2 Liter))
        (approximateValue ?V1 0.03)
        (approximateValue ?V2 0.15)))
Food.kif 1321-1332
        (instance ?C Cappuccino)
        (part ?E ?C)
        (part ?M ?C)
        (instance ?E Espresso)
        (instance ?M MilkFoam)
        (mixtureRatio ?E ?M ?V1 ?V2 Liter)
        (part ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B Bubble)
        (top ?B ?M)
        (measure ?B
            (MeasureFn ?L Millimeter)))
        (approximateValue ?V1 0.03)
        (approximateValue ?V2 0.15)
        (approximateValue ?L 20.0)))
Food.kif 1285-1301
        (instance ?C FlatWhite)
        (part ?E ?C)
        (part ?M ?C)
        (instance ?E Espresso)
        (instance ?M MilkFoam)
        (mixtureRatio ?E ?M ?V1 ?V2 Liter)
        (part ?B ?M)
        (part ?B ?E)
        (top ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B Bubble)
        (measure ?B
            (MeasureFn ?L Millimeter)))
        (approximateValue ?V1 0.03)
        (approximateValue ?V2 0.15)
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?L 1.0)
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?L 20.0)))
Food.kif 1367-1385
        (instance ?C Latte)
        (part ?E ?C)
        (part ?M ?C)
        (instance ?E Espresso)
        (instance ?M MilkFoam)
        (mixtureRatio ?E ?M ?V1 ?V2 Liter)
        (part ?B ?M)
        (instance ?B Bubble)
        (top ?B ?M)
        (measure ?B
            (MeasureFn ?L Millimeter)))
        (approximateValue ?V1 0.03)
        (approximateValue ?V2 0.21)
        (approximateValue ?L 12.0)))
Food.kif 1399-1415
        (instance ?L LongBlack)
        (part ?E ?L)
        (part ?W ?L)
        (instance ?E Espresso)
        (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
        (mixtureRatio ?E ?W ?V1 ?V2 Liter))
        (approximateValue ?V1 0.06)
        (approximateValue ?V2 0.12)))
Food.kif 1440-1450
    (instance ?E Espresso)
    (exists (?M)
            (instance ?M EspressoMaking)
            (result ?M ?E))))
Food.kif 747-752
    (instance ?E Espresso)
    (exists (?W ?V)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (part ?W ?E)
            (measure ?W
                (MeasureFn ?V Liter))
            (approximateValue ?V 0.03))))
Food.kif 754-762


    (instance ?A Americano)
    (exists (?P ?W ?E)
            (instance ?P Pouring)
            (patient ?P ?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (measure ?W
                (MeasureFn 90 CelsiusDegree))
            (destination ?P ?E)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (result ?P ?A))))
Food.kif 1310-1320
    (instance ?C Cappuccino)
        (material MilkFoam ?C)
        (material Espresso ?C)))
Food.kif 1279-1283
    (instance ?C Cappuccino)
    (exists (?E ?M ?P)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (instance ?M MilkFoam)
            (instance ?P Pouring)
            (patient ?P ?M)
            (destination ?P ?E)
            (result ?P ?C))))
Food.kif 1269-1278
    (instance ?F FlatWhite)
        (material MilkFoam ?F)
        (material Espresso ?F)))
Food.kif 1343-1347
    (instance ?F FlatWhite)
    (exists (?E ?M ?P)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (instance ?M MilkFoam)
            (instance ?P Pouring)
            (patient ?P ?M)
            (destination ?P ?E)
            (result ?P ?F))))
Food.kif 1349-1358
    (instance ?L Latte)
        (material MilkFoam ?L)
        (material Espresso ?L)))
Food.kif 1393-1397
    (instance ?L LongBlack)
        (material Espresso ?L)
        (material DrinkingWater ?L)))
Food.kif 1423-1427
    (instance ?L LongBlack)
    (exists (?P ?W ?E)
            (instance ?P Pouring)
            (patient ?P ?W)
            (instance ?W DrinkingWater)
            (attribute ?W HotTemperature)
            (destination ?P ?E)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (result ?P ?L))))
Food.kif 1429-1439
    (instance ?L Lungo)
    (exists (?E ?V)
            (instance ?E Espresso)
            (part ?E ?L)
            (measure ?E
                (MeasureFn ?V Liter))
            (instance ?V RealNumber)
            (measure ?L
                    (MultiplicationFn ?V 2) Liter)))))
Food.kif 770-781

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