Circle |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Circle ChineseLanguage "这是 Oval 的类别,以至构成 Circle 的 所有 GeometricPoint 和单一的 GeometricPoint,称为 Circle 的中心是等距的。") | chinese_format.kif 2647-2648 | |
(documentation Circle EnglishLanguage "A subAttribute of Oval such that all GeometricPoints that make up the Circle are equidistant from a single GeometricPoint, known as the center of the Circle.") | Merge.kif 7653-7655 | |
(documentation Circle JapaneseLanguage "Oval のクラスは、 Circle を構成するすべてのGPが、 Circle の中心として知られている単一の GeometricPoint から等距離である。") | japanese_format.kif 1364-1365 | |
(externalImage Circle " shapes/ circle.png") | pictureList.kif 346-346 | |
(externalImage Circle " Circle_-_black_simple.svg") | pictureList.kif 67-67 | |
(subAttribute Circle Oval) | Merge.kif 7651-7651 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(subAttribute DiskShaped Circle) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 25904-25904 | |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Circle "圈") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 14873-14873 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Circle "圈") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 14872-14872 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Circle "circle") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 14871-14871 |
antecedent |
(=> (and (cylinderBore ?CY ?M) (instance ?CY HoleRegion) (shape ?CY Cylinder) (part ?CI ?CY) (instance ?CI Region) (shape ?CI Circle)) (diameter ?CI ?M)) |
Cars.kif 1541-1549 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C Object) (shape ?C Circle)) (exists (?P) (equal (CenterOfCircleFn ?C) ?P))) |
Merge.kif 7664-7669 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C Object) (shape ?C Circle)) (exists (?R) (radius ?C ?R))) |
Merge.kif 7657-7662 |
consequent |
(=> (circumfrence ?C ?L) (shape ?C Circle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31442-31444 | |
(=> (diameter ?CIRCLE ?LENGTH) (shape ?CIRCLE Circle)) |
Merge.kif 7722-7724 | |
(=> (equal ?L (DiameterFn ?C)) (shape ?C Circle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4943-4946 | |
(=> (equal ?L (RadiusFn ?C)) (shape ?C Circle)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4962-4965 | |
(=> (equal ?P (CenterOfCircleFn ?C)) (shape ?C Circle)) |
Merge.kif 7679-7682 | |
(=> (instance ?HOLE GolfHole) (exists (?C) (and (shape ?HOLE Cylinder) (top ?C ?HOLE) (instance ?C Region) (shape ?C Circle) (diameter ?C (MeasureFn 4.25 Inch))))) |
Sports.kif 964-973 | |
(=> (radius ?CIRCLE ?RADIUS) (shape ?CIRCLE Circle)) |
Merge.kif 7701-7703 |