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Sigma KEE - BodyAreaFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BodyAreaFn EnglishLanguage "A Function that denotes the area near a given organ or structure of the body such as 'bicep area' or 'stomach area'.") Medicine.kif 6231-6232
(domainSubclass BodyAreaFn 1 BodyPart) Medicine.kif 6234-6234
(instance BodyAreaFn UnaryFunction) Medicine.kif 6230-6230
(rangeSubclass BodyAreaFn BodyPart) Medicine.kif 6235-6235


        (instance ?A
            (BodyAreaFn ?OC))
        (instance ?H Animal)
        (part ?A ?H))
    (exists (?O)
            (instance ?O ?OC)
            (orientation ?A ?O Near)
            (part ?O ?H))))
Medicine.kif 6237-6246


(subclass LeftThigh
        (BodySideFn Left ThighMuscle)))
Medicine.kif 2930-2930
(subclass RightThigh
        (BodySideFn Right ThighMuscle)))
Medicine.kif 2933-2933

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