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Sigma KEE - BidCountFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation BidCountFn EnglishLanguage "(BidCountFn ?COLL) returns the number of Biddings which were the objectOfBid of the Biddings are also the patients of WebListings which are members of ?COLL.") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2918-2920
(domain BidCountFn 1 Collection) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2912-2912
(instance BidCountFn UnaryFunction) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2910-2910
(range BidCountFn NonnegativeInteger) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2914-2914

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage BidCountFn "在 %1 的 bids 數字") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2894-2894
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage BidCountFn "在 %1 的 bids 數字") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2893-2893
(format EnglishLanguage BidCountFn "number of bids in %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 2892-2892
(termFormat EnglishLanguage BidCountFn "bid count") UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2916-2916


        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))
                (exists (?LISTING ?SITE ?ITEM)
                    (KappaFn ?LISTING
                            (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
                            (instance ?SITE WebSite)
                            (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                            (member ?LISTING ?COLL)
                            (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM)
                            (hostedOn ?LISTING ?SITE)
                            (exists (?BUYING)
                                    (instance ?BUYING Buying)
                                    (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM)
                                    (eCommerceSite ?BUYING ?SITE)))))))
            (CardinalityFn ?COLL))
        (BidCountFn ?COLL)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2845-2870
        (instance ?COLL Collection)
        (forall (?MEMBER)
                (member ?MEMBER ?COLL)
                (instance ?MEMBER WebListing))))
                (KappaFn ?BIDDING
                        (instance ?ITEM Physical)
                        (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
                        (instance ?BIDDING Bidding)
                        (member ?LISTING ?COLL)
                        (objectOfBid ?BIDDING ?ITEM)
                        (patient ?LISTING ?ITEM))))
            (BidCountFn ?COLL))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2922-2940

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