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Sigma KEE - Hemisphere

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Hemisphere EnglishLanguage "Hemisphere is the class of GeographicAreas that are halves of the Earth, as traditionally divided into the Northern and Southern Hemispheres along the equator and into the Eastern and Western Hemispheres along a north-south line running 20�W and 160�E.") Geography.kif 3463-3466
(externalImage Hemisphere " e/ e5/ Sphere_halve.png") pictureList.kif 1802-1802
(subclass Hemisphere GeographicArea) Geography.kif 3462-3462 Hemisphere地理的地域subclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(instance EasternHemisphere Hemisphere) Geography.kif 3480-3480 EasternHemisphereHemisphereinstance では %n
(instance NorthernHemisphere Hemisphere) Geography.kif 3472-3472 NorthernHemisphereHemisphereinstance では %n
(instance SouthernHemisphere Hemisphere) Geography.kif 3476-3476 SouthernHemisphereHemisphereinstance では %n
(instance WesternHemisphere Hemisphere) Geography.kif 3484-3484 WesternHemisphereHemisphereinstance では %n
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Hemisphere "半球") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27915-27915
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Hemisphere "半球") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27914-27914
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Hemisphere "hemisphere") domainEnglishFormat.kif 27913-27913


    (instance ?HEMISPHERE Hemisphere)
        (equal ?HEMISPHERE NorthernHemisphere)
        (equal ?HEMISPHERE SouthernHemisphere)
        (equal ?HEMISPHERE EasternHemisphere)
        (equal ?HEMISPHERE WesternHemisphere)))
Geography.kif 3488-3494 エンティティーHemisphereinstance では %n エンティティーNorthernHemisphereequal では %n エンティティーSouthernHemisphereequal では %n エンティティーEasternHemisphereequal では %n エンティティーWesternHemisphereequal では %n
    (instance ?AREA Hemisphere)
    (geographicSubregion ?AREA PlanetEarth))
Geography.kif 3468-3470

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