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Sigma KEE - Motion
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appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Motion ChineseLanguage "任何移动的 Process。") chinese_format.kif 2997-2997
(documentation Motion EnglishLanguage "Any Process of movement.") Merge.kif 11049-11049
(documentation Motion JapaneseLanguage "任意の移動 Process。") japanese_format.kif 1757-1757
(externalImage Motion " Walschaerts_motion.gif") pictureList.kif 11457-11457
(externalImage Motion " Truck_with_motion_blur.jpg") pictureList.kif 11462-11462
(externalImage Motion " Billy_wagner_motion_2004.jpg") pictureList.kif 11465-11465
(externalImage Motion " Giraffe_in_motion%2C_Bots.jpg") pictureList.kif 11460-11460
(externalImage Motion " Leaving_Yongsan_Station.jpg") pictureList.kif 10134-10134
(externalImage Motion " Translational_motion.gif") pictureList.kif 11456-11456
(externalImage Motion " The_Horse_in_Motion.jpg") pictureList.kif 11463-11463
(externalImage Motion " London_Underground_in_motion.jpg") pictureList.kif 11459-11459
(externalImage Motion " Carousel_in_motion.jpg") pictureList.kif 11458-11458
(externalImage Motion " Galahs_flying_motion_blur.jpg") pictureList.kif 11461-11461
(externalImage Motion " Fingers_and_thumb_in_circle_downward_motion.jpg") pictureList.kif 11464-11464
(subclass Motion Process) Merge.kif 11047-11047 Motion工程subclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(range FlowFn Motion) Geography.kif 4894-4894 FlowFnrangemotion のインスタンス では %n
(subclass BodyMotion Motion) Merge.kif 11128-11128 動作motionsubclass では %n
(subclass Closing Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21784-21784 Closingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Compressing Motion) Cars.kif 1965-1965 Compressingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass DirectionChange Motion) Merge.kif 11320-11320 方向変更motionsubclass では %n
(subclass EngineCranking Motion) Cars.kif 2191-2191 EngineCrankingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass EngineCycle Motion) Cars.kif 80-80 EngineCyclemotionsubclass では %n
(subclass FourStrokeCombustion Motion) Cars.kif 202-202 FourStrokeCombustionmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass FourStrokeCompression Motion) Cars.kif 186-186 FourStrokeCompressionmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass FourStrokeExhaust Motion) Cars.kif 219-219 FourStrokeExhaustmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass FourStrokeIntake Motion) Cars.kif 166-166 FourStrokeIntakemotionsubclass では %n
(subclass GasMotion Motion) Merge.kif 11278-11278 GasMotionmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass GeologicalProcess Motion) Merge.kif 11223-11223 GeologicalProcessmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Irrigating Motion) Geography.kif 5706-5706 Irrigatingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass LiquidMotion Motion) Merge.kif 11254-11254 LiquidMotionmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass MotionDownward Motion) Merge.kif 11099-11099 MotionDownwardmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass MotionUpward Motion) Merge.kif 11093-11093 MotionUpwardmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Opening Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 21777-21777 Openingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Pulling Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17865-17865 Pullingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Pushing Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17871-17871 Pushingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Radiating Motion) Merge.kif 13691-13691 放射motionsubclass では %n
(subclass Reversing Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17771-17771 Reversingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Rotating Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17699-17699 Rotatingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Stretching Motion) Mid-level-ontology.kif 17351-17351 Stretchingmotionsubclass では %n
(subclass Swarming Motion) Geography.kif 6795-6795 Swarmingmotionsubclass では %n

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25

appearance as argument number 3

(domain moves 1 Motion) Merge.kif 11013-11013 moves の数値 1 引数は motioninstance では %n
(domain path 1 Motion) Merge.kif 11109-11109 path の数値 1 引数は motioninstance では %n
(domain windDrivenMotion 2 Motion) Weather.kif 316-316 windDrivenMotion の数値 2 引数は motioninstance では %n


        (instance ?C Clutch)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?G Gearbox)
        (instance ?GEAR Gear)
        (part ?GEAR ?G)
        (part ?G ?A)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?E)
        (attribute ?C DeviceOff))
    (exists (?M2)
            (instance ?M2 Motion)
            (patient ?M2 ?G)
            (causes ?M ?M2))))
Cars.kif 1821-1839
        (instance ?C Clutch)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?G Gearbox)
        (instance ?GEAR Gear)
        (part ?GEAR ?G)
        (part ?G ?A)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?E)
        (attribute ?C DeviceOn))
        (exists (?M2)
                (instance ?M2 Motion)
                (patient ?M2 ?G)
                (causes ?M ?M2)))))
Cars.kif 1800-1819
        (instance ?E Motion)
        (instance ?T Tremor)
        (instance ?D Damper)
        (patient ?T ?O)
        (part ?D ?O)
        (causes ?E ?T)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
            (WhenFn ?E)
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A1 ?U)))
            (ImmediateFutureFn ?E)
            (physicalAmplitude ?T
                (MeasureFn ?A2 ?U))))
    (greaterThan ?A1 ?A2))
Cars.kif 777-792
        (instance ?FB FanBelt)
        (instance ?EF EngineFan)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (part ?FB ?A)
        (part ?EF ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?FB))
    (hasPurpose ?FB
        (exists (?M2)
                (instance ?M2 Rotating)
                (causes ?M ?M2)
                (patient ?M2 ?EF)))))
Cars.kif 2713-2727
        (instance ?GUIDE GuidingMotion)
        (patient ?GUIDE ?MOVED)
        (subProcess ?MOTION ?GUIDE)
        (instance ?MOTION Motion))
    (patient ?MOTION ?MOVED))
ComputerInput.kif 85-91
        (instance ?GUIDE GuidingMotion)
        (subProcess ?MOTION ?GUIDE)
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (patient ?MOTION ?MOVED))
    (patient ?GUIDE ?MOVED))
ComputerInput.kif 93-99
        (instance ?L Lever)
        (instance ?P Pushing)
        (instance ?M1 Motion)
        (instance ?U UnitOfLength)
        (destination ?P ?E1)
        (physicalEnd ?E1 ?L)
        (physicalEnd ?E2 ?L)
            (equal ?E1 ?E2))
                (WhenFn ?M1))
            (located ?E1 ?P1))
                (WhenFn ?M1))
            (located ?E1 ?P2))
                (WhenFn ?M1))
            (located ?E2 ?P3))
                (WhenFn ?M1))
            (located ?E2 ?P4))
        (distance ?P1 ?P2
            (MeasureFn ?D1 ?U))
        (distance ?P3 ?P4
            (MeasureFn ?D2 ?U)))
    (greaterThan ?D2 ?D1))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1325-1348
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ)
        (destination ?MOTION ?PLACE))
            (WhenFn ?MOTION))
        (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
Merge.kif 11086-11091
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ)
        (origin ?MOTION ?PLACE))
            (WhenFn ?MOTION))
        (located ?OBJ ?PLACE)))
Merge.kif 11070-11075
        (instance ?PIPE CrudeOilPipeline)
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (instrument ?MOTION ?PIPE)
        (patient ?MOTION ?OIL))
    (instance ?OIL Petroleum))
Transportation.kif 801-807
        (instance ?PIPE NaturalGasPipeline)
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (instrument ?MOTION ?PIPE)
        (patient ?MOTION ?GAS))
    (instance ?GAS NaturalGas))
Transportation.kif 813-819
        (instance ?PIPE PetroleumProductPipeline)
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (instrument ?MOTION ?PIPE)
        (patient ?MOTION ?STUFF))
    (instance ?STUFF PetroleumProduct))
Transportation.kif 826-832
        (instance ?PIPE Pipeline)
        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
        (instrument ?MOTION ?PIPE)
        (patient ?MOTION ?STUFF))
    (instance ?STUFF
        (ExtensionFn Fluid)))
Transportation.kif 777-783
    (instance ?MOTION Motion)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ Object)
            (moves ?MOTION ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 11052-11057


        (attribute ?X WheelchairAccessible)
            (instance ?X Building)
            (instance ?X Room)))
        (exists (?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                (instrument ?MOTION ?WHEELCHAIR)
                (instance ?WHEELCHAIR Wheelchair)
                (eventLocated ?MOTION ?X))) Possibility))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26423-26435
        (instance ?ATTR SpeedScaleAttribute)
        (property ?X ?ATTR))
    (instance ?X Motion))
Weather.kif 2039-2043
        (instance ?B VehicleBrake)
        (instance ?V Vehicle)
        (part ?B ?V))
    (hasPurpose ?B
        (exists (?S)
                (instance ?S
                    (StopFn Motion))
                (patient ?S ?V)
                (instrument ?S ?B)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 3409-3419
        (instance ?C Clutch)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?G Gearbox)
        (instance ?GEAR Gear)
        (part ?GEAR ?G)
        (part ?G ?A)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?E)
        (attribute ?C DeviceOff))
    (exists (?M2)
            (instance ?M2 Motion)
            (patient ?M2 ?G)
            (causes ?M ?M2))))
Cars.kif 1821-1839
        (instance ?C Clutch)
        (instance ?A Automobile)
        (instance ?E Engine)
        (instance ?G Gearbox)
        (instance ?GEAR Gear)
        (part ?GEAR ?G)
        (part ?G ?A)
        (part ?C ?A)
        (part ?E ?A)
        (instance ?M Motion)
        (patient ?M ?E)
        (attribute ?C DeviceOn))
        (exists (?M2)
                (instance ?M2 Motion)
                (patient ?M2 ?G)
                (causes ?M ?M2)))))
Cars.kif 1800-1819
        (instance ?SAW Saw)
        (instance ?CUT Cutting)
        (instrument ?CUT ?SAW)
        (instance ?OBJ Object)
        (patient ?CUT ?OBJ))
    (exists (?MOTION ?DIR1 ?DIR2 ?TIME ?T1 ?T2 ?PART)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?CUT)
            (instance ?PART CuttingDevice)
            (part ?PART ?SAW)
            (meetsSpatially ?PART ?OBJ)
            (patient ?MOTION ?PART)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
            (instance ?T2 TimeInterval)
                (WhenFn ?MOTION) ?TIME)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T1)
            (temporalPart ?TIME ?T2)
            (instance ?DIR1 DirectionalAttribute)
            (instance ?DIR2 DirectionalAttribute)
                (holdsDuring ?T1
                    (direction ?MOTION ?DIR1))
                (holdsDuring ?T2
                        (direction ?MOTION ?DIR2)
                            (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                            (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2))
                                (equal ?DIR1 ?DIR2)
                                (oppositeDirection ?DIR1 ?DIR2)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18408-18442
            (instance ?A AutonomousAgent))
        (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?A Motionless)))
        (exists (?P)
                (instance ?P Motion)
                (patient ?P ?A)
                    (WhenFn ?P) ?T)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30512-30523
        (speedScaleAttributeMinMax ?ATTR
            (MeasureFn ?MIN ?U)
            (MeasureFn ?MAX ?U))
        (instance ?U UnitOfMeasure))
    (exists (?X ?SPEED)
            (instance ?X Motion)
            (property ?X ?ATTR)
            (measure ?X
                (MeasureFn ?SPEED ?U))
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?SPEED ?MIN)
            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?SPEED ?MAX))))
Weather.kif 2113-2126
    (attribute ?X Locked)
    (exists (?LOCK ?CLOSE ?MOVE)
            (instance ?LOCK Lock)
            (connected ?LOCK ?X)
            (instance ?CLOSE Closing)
            (patient ?CLOSE ?LOCK)
            (instance ?MOVE Motion)
                (WhenFn ?CLOSE)
                    (attribute ?X Locked)))
                    (attribute ?X Locked))
                        (patient ?MOVE ?X) Possibility))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2691-2707
    (instance ?C Catheter)
    (hasPurpose ?C
        (exists (?M ?O ?OBJ ?L)
                (instance ?O Organism)
                (instance ?M Motion)
                (moves ?M ?OBJ)
                (orientation ?L ?O Outside)
                (path ?M ?C)
                        (origin ?M ?L)
                        (destination ?M ?O))
                        (origin ?M ?O)
                        (destination ?M ?L)))))))
Medicine.kif 548-564
    (instance ?GUIDE GuidingMotion)
    (exists (?MOTION)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?GUIDE)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion))))
ComputerInput.kif 71-76
    (instance ?I IntermittentCombustionEngine)
    (hasPurpose ?I
        (exists (?E ?M)
                (instance ?E Explosion)
                (instance ?M Motion)
                (eventLocated ?E ?I)
                (eventLocated ?M ?I)
                (causes ?E ?M)))))
Cars.kif 280-289
    (instance ?I InternalCombustionEngine)
    (hasPurpose ?I
        (exists (?C ?M ?P)
                (instance ?C Combustion)
                (instance ?M Motion)
                (part ?P ?I)
                (patient ?M ?P)))))
Cars.kif 57-65
    (instance ?MJ MechanicalJoint)
    (hasPurpose ?MJ
        (exists (?S ?P1 ?P2 ?M)
                (instance ?M Motion)
                (instance ?S PhysicalSystem)
                (instance ?P1 EngineeringComponent)
                (instance ?P2 EngineeringComponent)
                (part ?P1 PhysicalSystem)
                (part ?MJ PhysicalSystem)
                (part ?P2 PhysicalSystem)
                    (patient ?M ?P1))
                (patient ?M ?P2)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?P1 ?MJ)
                (connectedEngineeringComponents ?P2 ?MJ)))))
Cars.kif 1381-1397
    (instance ?TUB WhirlpoolTub)
    (exists (?VALVE)
            (instance ?VALVE PressureControlValve)
            (part ?VALVE ?TUB)
            (hasPurpose ?VALVE
                (exists (?WATER ?CREATION ?MOTION)
                        (instance ?WATER Water)
                        (located ?WATER ?TUB)
                        (instance ?CREATION Creation)
                        (instrument ?CREATION ?VALVE)
                        (result ?CREATION ?MOTION)
                        (instance ?MOTION Motion)
                        (located ?MOTION ?WATER)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25571-25586
    (instance ?X
        (JuiceOfFn ?Y))
    (exists (?Z ?P)
            (instance ?Z ?Y)
            (instance ?P Motion)
            (resource ?P ?Z)
            (result ?P ?X))))
Food.kif 2603-2610
    (instance ?X WaterSkiing)
            (instance ?BOAT WaterVehicle)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (instance ?SKI WaterSki)
            (eventLocated ?X ?WATER)
            (instance ?HUMAN Human)
            (located ?HUMAN ?SKI)
            (connects ?LINE ?HUMAN ?BOAT)
            (instance ?TRANS Transportation)
            (instrument ?TRANS ?BOAT)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion)
            (agent ?MOTION ?HUMAN)
            (instrument ?MOTION ?SKI)
            (causes ?TRANS ?MOTION)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?X))))
Sports.kif 1247-1264
    (instance ?X WindSurfing)
    (exists (?BOARD ?WATER ?MOTION ?WIND)
            (instance ?BOARD WindSurfingBoard)
            (instance ?WATER WaterArea)
            (instance ?WIND Wind)
            (instance ?MOTION Motion)
            (eventLocated ?X ?WATER)
            (subProcess ?MOTION ?X)
            (instrument ?MOTION ?BOARD)
            (causes ?WIND ?MOTION))))
Sports.kif 1305-1316

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