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Sigma KEE - KappaFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation KappaFn ChineseLanguage "这是一个组成类别的运算符,它拿两个参数:一个变数和一个 包含属于这个变数,起码一个不受限制例子的公式。应用 KappaFn 到一个变数和一个公式的结果是一个包含 满足这个公式东西的 SetOrClass。例如:我们用以下的方式表达小于100素数的 SetOrClass: (KappaFn ?NUMBER (and (instance ?NUMBER PrimeNumber) (lessThan ?NUMBER 100)))。注:请尽量避免 用这个函数,因为目前还没有编写公理来支持它。") chinese_format.kif 2318-2322
(documentation KappaFn EnglishLanguage "A class_forming operator that takes two arguments: a variable and a formula containing at least one unbound occurrence of the variable. The result of applying KappaFn to a variable and a formula is the Class of things that satisfy the formula. For example, we can denote the Class of prime numbers that are less than 100 with the following expression: (KappaFn ?NUMBER (and (instance ?NUMBER PrimeNumber) (lessThan ?NUMBER 100))). Note that the use of this function is discouraged, since there is currently no axiomatic support for it.") Merge.kif 5581-5589
(documentation KappaFn JapaneseLanguage "変数と変数の少なくとも 1 つの非連結オカレンスを含む 数式の2つの引数を受け取るクラス形成演算子。変数と数式に KappaFn を適用した結果は、数式を満たす ものの SetOrClass である。例えば、次の式 (KappaFn ?NUMBER (and (instance ?NUMBER PrimeNumber) (lessThan ?NUMBER 100))) で、100 未満の素数の SetOrClass を示すことができる。注:現在、この 関数の割り当てはサポートされていないため、この関数の使用は勧められない。") japanese_format.kif 991-995
(domain KappaFn 1 SymbolicString) Merge.kif 5577-5577 KappaFn の数値 1 引数は 記号文字列instance では %n
(domain KappaFn 2 Formula) Merge.kif 5578-5578 KappaFn の数値 2 引数は 公式instance では %n
(instance KappaFn BinaryFunction) Merge.kif 5575-5575 KappaFn2変数関数instance では %n
(instance KappaFn PartialValuedRelation) Merge.kif 5576-5576 KappaFn部分的価値関係instance では %n
(range KappaFn Class) Merge.kif 5579-5579 KappaFnrangeクラス のインスタンス では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage KappaFn " %1 所描述的类别") chinese_format.kif 508-508
(format EnglishLanguage KappaFn "the class described by %1") english_format.kif 513-513
(format FrenchLanguage KappaFn "la classe d�crite par %1") french_format.kif 297-297
(format ItalianLanguage KappaFn "la classe descritta da %1") relations-it.txt 157-157
(format JapaneseLanguage KappaFn "%1で記述される class") japanese_format.kif 2074-2074
(format PortugueseLanguage KappaFn "a classe descrita por %1") portuguese_format.kif 249-249
(format de KappaFn "die kategorie die %1 beschreibt") relations-de.txt 662-662
(format hi KappaFn "%1 ke dvaaraa varNita varga") relations-hindi.txt 196-196
(format ro KappaFn "class%t{clasa} descrisã de %1") relations-ro.kif 318-318
(format sv KappaFn "klassen som beskrivs av %1") relations-sv.txt 325-325
(format tg KappaFn "ang klase ilarawan ng %1") relations-tg.txt 315-315
(termFormat ChineseLanguage KappaFn "卡帕") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32154-32154
(termFormat ChineseLanguage KappaFn "组成类别函数") chinese_format.kif 509-509
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage KappaFn "卡帕") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32153-32153
(termFormat EnglishLanguage KappaFn "kappa") domainEnglishFormat.kif 32152-32152


        (instance ?Account PersonalAccount)
                (KappaFn ?Agent
                    (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent))) 1))
    (instance ?Account JointAccount))
FinancialOntology.kif 1007-1011 エンティティーPersonalAccountinstance では %n エンティティー classinstances の数 は 1 より greater では %n エンティティーJointAccountinstance では %n
        (instance ?BUYINGS Collection)
        (instance ?GMB CurrencyMeasure)
        (instance ?TOTAL RealNumber)
        (equal ?GMB
            (GMBFn ?BUYINGS))
        (equal ?TOTAL
                (KappaFn ?ITEM
                        (instance ?ITEM Object)
                        (exists (?BUYING)
                                (member ?BUYING ?BUYINGS)
                                (patient ?BUYING ?ITEM))))))))
        (ABPFn ?BUYINGS)
        (DivisionFn ?GMB ?TOTAL)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3239-3259
        (instance ?SELLINGS Collection)
        (instance ?GMV CurrencyMeasure)
        (instance ?TOTAL RealNumber)
        (equal ?GMV
            (GMVFn ?SELLINGS))
        (equal ?TOTAL
                (KappaFn ?ITEM
                        (instance ?ITEM Object)
                        (exists (?SELLING)
                                (member ?SELLING ?SELLINGS)
                                (patient ?SELLING ?ITEM))))))))
        (ASPFn ?SELLINGS)
        (DivisionFn ?GMV ?TOTAL)))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3282-3302


        (instance ?Y
            (YearFn ?YEAR))
            (MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?Y) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Male)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?Y)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 357-390 EAR year 目 の instance では %n MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n リスト 整数, 記号文字列, エンティティー, エンティティー and エンティティー リストリストinstance では %n リストlength 整数instance では %n リストITEM average リスト and 実数
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (BirthsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?BIRTH
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT ?THOUSANDS) ?REALNUMBER)))
People.kif 82-97 整数 year 目 の instance では %n BirthsPerThousandFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n PopulationFn 地政学的地域 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (DeathsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?DEATHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?DEATH
                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?PERSON)
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                            (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?DEATH
                                (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?DEATHCOUNT ?THOUSANDS) ?REALNUMBER)))
People.kif 118-133 整数 year 目 の instance では %n DeathsPerThousandFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n PopulationFn 地政学的地域 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
        (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?BIRTH
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT 1000) ?THOUSANDSOFBIRTHS)
        (equal ?INFANTDEATHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?DEATH
                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                        (age ?INFANT
                            (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                        (lessThan ?AGE 1)
                            (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?DEATH
                                (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA)))))
People.kif 238-264 整数 year 目 の instance では %n DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Female)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 403-436 整数 year 目 の instance では %n FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n リスト 整数, 記号文字列, エンティティー, エンティティー and エンティティー リストリストinstance では %n リストlength 整数instance では %n リストITEM average リスト and 実数
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 310-342 整数 year 目 の instance では %n LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n リスト 整数, 記号文字列, エンティティー, エンティティー and エンティティー リストリストinstance では %n リストlength 整数instance では %n リストITEM average リスト and 実数
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (MigrantsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (SubtractionFn ?Y ?PY) 1)
        (instance ?PREVIOUSYEAR
            (YearFn ?PY))
        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) ?POPULATION))
            (DivisionFn ?POPULATION 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?IMMIGRATION
                (KappaFn ?PERSON
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                        (holdsDuring ?PREVIOUSYEAR
                                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))
                        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                            (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA))))))
        (equal ?EMMIGRATION
                (KappaFn ?PERSON
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                        (holdsDuring ?PREVIOUSYEAR
                            (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA))
                        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))))
People.kif 156-187 整数 year 目 の instance では %n MigrantsPerThousandFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n ( 整数 + 整数) は 1 と equal では %n エンティティー 整数 year 目 の instance では %n PopulationFn 地政学的地域 実数equal では %n は during holds %n{ない} 実数 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n ( 整数 + 整数) は 実数equal では %n 実数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (MaleToFemaleRatioFn ?AREA) ?REALNUMBER)
        (equal ?MALECOUNT
                (KappaFn ?MALE
                        (instance ?MALE Human)
                        (attribute ?MALE Male)
                        (inhabits ?MALE ?AREA)))))
        (equal ?FEMALECOUNT
                (KappaFn ?FEMALE
                        (instance ?FEMALE Human)
                        (attribute ?FEMALE Female)
                        (inhabits ?FEMALE ?AREA)))))
People.kif 206-223 MaleToFemaleRatioFn 地政学的地域 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 整数 実数equal では %n
    (lengthOfBroadGaugeRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS BroadGaugeRailway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 182-189 lengthOfBroadGaugeRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfCrudeOilPipeline ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?PIPELINE
                (instance ?PIPELINE CrudeOilPipeline)
                (located ?PIPELINE ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 712-719 lengthOfCrudeOilPipeline 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfDualGaugeRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS DualGaugeRailway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 210-217 lengthOfDualGaugeRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfElectrifiedRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS ElectrifiedRailway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 126-133 lengthOfElectrifiedRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfExpresswaySystem ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?HIGHWAYS
                (instance ?HIGHWAYS Expressway)
                (located ?HIGHWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 568-575 lengthOfExpresswaySystem 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfMultipleTrackRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS MultipleTrackRailway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 154-161 lengthOfMultipleTrackRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfNarrowGaugeRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS NarrowGaugeRailway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 237-244 lengthOfNarrowGaugeRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfNaturalGasPipeline ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?PIPELINE
                (instance ?PIPELINE NaturalGasPipeline)
                (located ?PIPELINE ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 735-742 lengthOfNaturalGasPipeline 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfPavedHighway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?HIGHWAYS
                (instance ?HIGHWAYS SurfacedRoadway)
                (located ?HIGHWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 542-549 lengthOfPavedHighway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfPetroleumProductPipeline ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?PIPELINE
                (instance ?PIPELINE PetroleumProductPipeline)
                (located ?PIPELINE ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 758-765 lengthOfPetroleumProductPipeline 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfStandardGaugeRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS StandardGaugeRailway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 265-272 lengthOfStandardGaugeRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfUnclassifiedGaugeRailway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA)
                    (instance ?RAILWAYS
                        (UnionFn StandardGaugeRailway
                            (UnionFn BroadGaugeRailway
                                (UnionFn DualGaugeRailway NarrowGaugeRailway))))))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 294-306 lengthOfUnclassifiedGaugeRailway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?HIGHWAYS
                (instance ?HIGHWAYS UnsurfacedRoadway)
                (located ?HIGHWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 601-608 lengthOfUnpavedHighway 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA
        (ExtensionFn AirportWithPavedRunway) ?COUNT)
    (exists (?AIRPORT ?RUNWAY)
            (KappaFn ?AIRPORT
                    (instance ?AIRPORT Airport)
                    (instance ?RUNWAY PavedRunway)
                    (part ?RUNWAY ?AIRPORT)
                    (located ?AIRPORT ?AREA))) ?COUNT)))
Transportation.kif 1349-1359 totalFacilityTypeInArea 地理的地域, AirportWithPavedRunway に対する class and 非負整数 記号文字列 エンティティー cardinality 記号文字列で記述される class and 非負整数
    (totalFacilityTypeInArea ?AREA ?TYPE ?COUNT)
        (KappaFn ?ITEM
                (instance ?ITEM ?TYPE)
                (located ?ITEM ?AREA))) ?COUNT))
Transportation.kif 1221-1228 totalFacilityTypeInArea 地理的地域, クラス and 非負整数 cardinality エンティティー class and 非負整数
    (totalLengthOfHighwaySystem ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?HIGHWAYS
                (instance ?HIGHWAYS Roadway)
                (located ?HIGHWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 484-491 totalLengthOfHighwaySystem 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では
    (totalLengthOfRailwaySystem ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?RAILWAYS
                (instance ?RAILWAYS Railway)
                (located ?RAILWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 98-105 totalLengthOfRailwaySystem 地理的地域 and 長さ測定 エンティティー classlength 長さ測定 では

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    (instance ?YEAR
        (YearFn ?Y))
        (ChildrenBornPerWomanFn ?AREA ?YEAR)
            (KappaFn ?INFANT
                    (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                    (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                    (agent ?BIRTH ?WOMAN)
                    (instance ?WOMAN Human)
                    (attribute ?WOMAN Female)
                    (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                        (inhabits ?WOMAN ?AREA)))))))
People.kif 456-469 整数 year 目 の instance では %n ChildrenBornPerWomanFn 地政学的地域 and エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (AvailableForMilitaryServiceMaleFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (age ?PERSON ?AGE)
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 863-872 AvailableForMilitaryServiceMaleFn 地政学的地域 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
        (KappaFn ?SIDE
            (sideOfFigure ?SIDE Triangle))) 3)
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4888-4891 エンティティー classinstances の数 は 3 と equal では %n
    (FitForMilitaryServiceMaleFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (subclass ?PROCESS MilitaryProcess)
                (fitForMilitaryService ?PERSON ?PROCESS)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (age ?PERSON ?AGE)
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 886-897 FitForMilitaryServiceMaleFn 地政学的地域 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (OrganismPopulationFn ?O ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?OI
                (instance ?OI ?O)
                (located ?OI ?AREA)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 32032-32037 OrganismPopulationFn and 地理的地域Iで記述される classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (PopulationFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 32010-32015 PopulationFn 地政学的地域 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (ReachingMilitaryAgeAnnuallyMaleFn ?AREA ?YEAR)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (equal ?AGEMINUSONE
                    (SubtractionFn ?AGE 1))
                (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                        (age ?PERSON ?AGEMINUSONE)
                        (age ?PERSON ?AGE)))
                (equal ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 924-937 ReachingMilitaryAgeAnnuallyMaleFn 地政学的地域 and エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n

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