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Sigma KEE - Inch

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Inch ChineseLanguage "这是英制长度单位的英寸。") chinese_format.kif 2592-2592
(documentation Inch EnglishLanguage "English length unit of inches.") Merge.kif 7205-7205
(documentation Inch JapaneseLanguage "英国でのインチの長さの単位。") japanese_format.kif 1301-1301
(instance Inch UnitOfLength) Merge.kif 7204-7204 InchUnitOfLengthinstance では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Inch "英寸") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29520-29520
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Inch "英寸") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29519-29519
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Inch "inch") domainEnglishFormat.kif 29518-29518


        (instance ?ADULT HumanAdult)
        (height ?ADULT
            (MeasureFn ?HEIGHT Inch)))
        (greaterThan ?HEIGHT 120.0)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 204-210


    (instance ?HOLE GolfHole)
    (exists (?C)
            (shape ?HOLE Cylinder)
            (top ?C ?HOLE)
            (instance ?C Region)
            (shape ?C ?CIR)
            (equal ?CIR Circle)
            (diameter ?CIR
                (MeasureFn 4.25 Inch)))))
Sports.kif 964-974
    (instance ?T FiftythreeFtContainer)
        (length ?T
            (MeasureFn 53 FootLength))
        (height ?T
            (MeasureFn 102 Inch))
        (width ?T
            (MeasureFn 8 FootLength))))
Transportation.kif 3049-3057
    (instance ?T FortyFtHalfHeightContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 53 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2997-3000
    (instance ?T FortyFtHighcubeContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 114 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2987-2990
    (instance ?T FortyFtStandardContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 102 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2969-2972
    (instance ?T FortyeightFtContainer)
        (length ?T
            (MeasureFn 48 FootLength))
        (height ?T
            (MeasureFn 102 Inch))
        (width ?T
            (MeasureFn 8 FootLength))))
Transportation.kif 3026-3034
    (instance ?T FortyfiveFtContainer)
        (length ?T
            (MeasureFn 45 FootLength))
        (height ?T
            (MeasureFn 102 Inch))
        (width ?T
            (MeasureFn 8 FootLength))))
Transportation.kif 3007-3015
    (instance ?T TwentyFtHalfHeightContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 53 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2921-2924
    (instance ?T TwentyFtHeavyDutyContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 102 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2885-2888
    (instance ?T TwentyFtHighcubeContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 114 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2903-2906
    (instance ?T TwentyFtStandardContainer)
    (height ?T
        (MeasureFn 102 Inch)))
Transportation.kif 2849-2852


    (MeasureFn ?NUMBER Inch)
        (MultiplicationFn ?NUMBER 0.0254) Meter))
Merge.kif 7207-7209 実数Inch(s) は 実数 + 0.0254 の Meter(s) と equal では %n

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