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Sigma KEE - Human
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appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Human ChineseLanguage "这是现代人,人属唯一剩下的品种。") chinese_format.kif 3438-3438
(documentation Human EnglishLanguage "Modern man, the only remaining species of the Homo genus.") Merge.kif 14692-14693
(externalImage Human " Skydiving_4_way.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 259-259
(externalImage Human " Da_Vinci_Vitruve_Luc_Viatour.jpg") pictureList.kif 3117-3117
(externalImage Human " Skeleton_diagram.svg") pictureList.kif 3116-3116
(externalImage Human " b/ bd/ Jan_Vermeer_van_Delft_009.jpg/ 280px-Jan_Vermeer_van_Delft_009.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 257-257
(externalImage Human " Gazolina_zloga.jpg/ 250px-Gazolina_zloga.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 258-258
(partition Human Man Woman) Merge.kif 14691-14691 人[人間]Man + Womanexhaustively partitioned %n
(subclass Human CognitiveAgent) Merge.kif 14690-14690 人[人間]認識エージェントsubclass では %n
(subclass Human Hominid) Merge.kif 14689-14689 人[人間]ヒト科の動物subclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(biologicalAgentCarrier BordetellaPertussis Human) WMD.kif 1586-1586 biologicalAgentCarrier BordetellaPertussis and 人[人間]
(disjoint DomesticAnimal Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20045-20045 DomesticAnimal人[人間]disjoint では %n
(disjoint Organization Human) Media.kif 35-35 組織人[人間]disjoint では %n
(initialPart VocalCords Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 786-786 initialPart VocalCords and 人[人間]
(initiallyContainsPart Brain Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23749-23749 initiallyContainsPart Brain and 人[人間]
(initiallyContainsPart Heart Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23750-23750 initiallyContainsPart Heart and 人[人間]
(instance SteveJobsOfApple Human) ComputingBrands.kif 2447-2447 スティーブ・ジョブズ氏人[人間]instance では %n
(instance SteveWozniakOfApple Human) ComputingBrands.kif 2459-2459 スティーブ・ウオズニアック氏人[人間]instance では %n
(instance TimCookOfApple Human) ComputingBrands.kif 2435-2435 ティム・クック氏人[人間]instance では %n
(subclass HumanAdult Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 178-178 HumanAdult人[人間]subclass では %n
(subclass HumanYouth Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 241-241 HumanYouth人[人間]subclass では %n
(subclass Man Human) Merge.kif 14695-14695 Man人[人間]subclass では %n
(subclass Teenager Human) Mid-level-ontology.kif 313-313 Teenager人[人間]subclass では %n
(subclass Woman Human) Merge.kif 14702-14702 Woman人[人間]subclass では %n
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Human "人类") chinese_format.kif 1002-1002
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Human "human") english_format.kif 1216-1216
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Human "humain") french_format.kif 679-679
(termFormat Hindi Human "maanava") terms-hindi.txt 210-210
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Human "Umano") terms-it.txt 213-213
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Human "人[人間]") japanese_format.kif 2363-2363
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Human "Humano") portuguese_format.kif 631-631
(termFormat cb Human "tawo") terms-cb.txt 215-215
(termFormat cz Human "human") terms-cz.txt 247-247
(termFormat ro Human "fiinþã umanã") relations-ro.kif 700-700

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appearance as argument number 3

(connectedBodyPartTypes AbdominalAorta ThoracicAorta Human) arteries.kif 1280-1280 connectedBodyPartTypes AbdominalAorta, ThoracicAorta and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AccompanyingArteryOfIschiadicNerve InferiorGlutealArtery Human) arteries.kif 1658-1658 connectedBodyPartTypes AccompanyingArteryOfIschiadicNerve, InferiorGlutealArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AcromialArtery ThoracoacromialArtery Human) arteries.kif 986-986 connectedBodyPartTypes AcromialArtery, ThoracoacromialArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AfferentArteriole InterlobularArtery Human) arteries.kif 1465-1465 connectedBodyPartTypes AfferentArteriole, InterlobularArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery AnteriorMeningealArtery Human) arteries.kif 252-252 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery, AnteriorMeningealArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery AnteriorNasalArteryBranch Human) arteries.kif 257-257 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery, AnteriorNasalArteryBranch and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery InferiorPalpebralArchArtery Human) arteries.kif 267-267 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery, InferiorPalpebralArchArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery SuperiorPalpebralArchArtery Human) arteries.kif 262-262 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorEthmoidalArtery, SuperiorPalpebralArchArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorHumeralCircumflexArtery AxillaryArtery Human) arteries.kif 1016-1016 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorHumeralCircumflexArtery, AxillaryArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInferiorCerebellarArtery BasilarArtery Human) arteries.kif 820-820 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInferiorCerebellarArtery, BasilarArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInterosseousArtery UlnarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1169-1169 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInterosseousArtery, UlnarArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInterventricularArtery AnteriorInterventricularDiagonalArtery Human) arteries.kif 79-79 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInterventricularArtery, AnteriorInterventricularDiagonalArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInterventricularArtery AnteriorInterventricularSeptalArtery Human) arteries.kif 73-73 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorInterventricularArtery, AnteriorInterventricularSeptalArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorLateralMalleolarArtery AnteriorTibialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1885-1885 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorLateralMalleolarArtery, AnteriorTibialArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorMedialMalleolarArtery AnteriorTibialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1880-1880 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorMedialMalleolarArtery, AnteriorTibialArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorSpinalArtery VertebralArtery Human) arteries.kif 795-795 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorSpinalArtery, VertebralArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorTibialArtery PoplitealArtery Human) arteries.kif 1863-1863 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorTibialArtery, PoplitealArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorTibialRecurrentArtery AnteriorTibialArtery Human) arteries.kif 1873-1873 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorTibialRecurrentArtery, AnteriorTibialArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorUlnarRecurrentArtery UlnarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1148-1148 connectedBodyPartTypes AnteriorUlnarRecurrentArtery, UlnarArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnterolateralCentralArtery ExternalStriateArtery Human) arteries.kif 371-371 connectedBodyPartTypes AnterolateralCentralArtery, ExternalStriateArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AnterolateralCentralArtery InternalStriateArtery Human) arteries.kif 366-366 connectedBodyPartTypes AnterolateralCentralArtery, InternalStriateArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AorticArch LeftCommonCarotidArtery Human) arteries.kif 164-164 connectedBodyPartTypes AorticArch, LeftCommonCarotidArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes ArcuateArtery InterlobarArtery Human) arteries.kif 1454-1454 connectedBodyPartTypes ArcuateArtery, InterlobarArtery and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes AuditoryCanal TympanicCavity Human) Anatomy.kif 1565-1565 connectedBodyPartTypes AuditoryCanal, TympanicCavity and 人[人間]
(connectedBodyPartTypes Auricle AuditoryCanal Human) Anatomy.kif 1615-1615 connectedBodyPartTypes Auricle, AuditoryCanal and 人[人間]

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        (accountHolder ?Account ?Agent)
        (instance ?Agent Human))
    (instance ?Account PersonalAccount))
FinancialOntology.kif 996-1000 accountHolder FinancialAccount and 認識エージェント 認識エージェント人[人間]instance では %n FinancialAccountPersonalAccountinstance では %n
    (holdsDuring ?T
            (instance ?PERSON Human)
            (forall (?ORG)
                    (employs ?ORG ?PERSON)))))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?PERSON Unemployed)))
Merge.kif 17325-17333 エンティティー人[人間]instance では %n エンティティー エンティティー エンティティーemploy ない は 時間位置during holds %n{ない} Unemployed エンティティーattribute では %n は 時間位置during holds %n{ない}
        (attribute ?A Founder)
        (instance ?A Human))
    (exists (?PROC)
            (instance ?PROC Founding)
            (agent ?PROC ?A))))
Biography.kif 223-230
        (attribute ?X Waiter)
        (instance ?X Human)
        (employs ?REST ?X)
        (instance ?REST Restaurant)
        (customer ?CUST ?REST)
        (located ?CUST ?TABLE)
        (instance ?TABLE Table))
    (exists (?DINING ?C ?FOOD ?KITCHEN)
            (possesses ?REST ?KITCHEN)
            (instance ?KITCHEN KitchenArea)
            (instance ?DINING DiningArea)
            (located ?TABLE ?DINING)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                    (instance ?C Carrying)
                    (agent ?C ?X)
                    (origin ?C ?KITCHEN)
                    (destination ?C ?TABLE)
                    (patient ?C ?FOOD)
                    (instance ?FOOD
                        (FoodForFn Human)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20628-20650
        (ennervates ?NC ?MC)
        (instance ?N ?NC)
        (instance ?M ?MC)
        (part ?N ?H)
        (part ?M ?H)
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (instance ?H Human))
    (hasPurpose ?N
        (exists (?NF ?C)
                (instance ?NF NerveFiring)
                (instrument ?NF ?N)
                (instance ?MC MuscleContraction)
                (instrument ?MV ?M)
                (causes ?NF ?MC)))))
Anatomy.kif 1923-1939
        (governmentType ?PLACE Monarchy)
        (instance ?MONARCH Human)
        (instance ?SUCCESSOR Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (chiefOfState ?PLACE ?ROLE ?MONARCH))
        (familyRelation ?MONARCH ?SUCCESSOR)
        (earlier ?T1 ?T2))
        (holdsDuring ?T2
            (chiefOfState ?PLACE ?ROLE ?SUCCESSOR)) Possibility))
Government.kif 223-234
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (member ?OBJ ?GROUP))
        (instance ?OBJ Human)
        (instance ?GROUP GroupOfPeople))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (groupMember ?OBJ ?GROUP)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 7589-7596
        (instance ?AGENT Human)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
                (deviceTelecomNumber ?NUMBER ?DEVICE)
                (telephoneNumber ?NUMBER ?AGENT)
                (located ?DEVICE ?PLACE)
                (instance ?PLACE Residence))))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (inhabits ?AGENT ?PLACE)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25092-25101
        (instance ?AGENT Human)
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (instance ?POSITION Position)
        (attribute ?AGENT
            (MemberRoleFn ?ORG ?POSITION)))
    (attribute ?AGENT
        (MemberFn ?ORG)))
Government.kif 1753-1759
        (instance ?AGENT Human)
        (instance ?ORG Organization)
        (instance ?POSITION Position)
        (attribute ?AGENT
            (MemberRoleFn ?ORG ?POSITION)))
    (member ?AGENT ?ORG))
Government.kif 1761-1767
        (instance ?B Bleeding)
        (instance ?D Death)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (experiencer ?B ?P)
        (orientation ?H ?P Near)
            (causes ?B ?D) Likely))
    (holdsObligation ?H
        (exists (?A)
                (instance ?A Attaching)
                (agent ?A ?H)
                (destination ?A ?P)))))
Medicine.kif 44-59
        (instance ?B Breast)
        (instance ?H Human)
        (part ?B ?H))
    (part ?B
        (FrontFn ?H)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12875-12881
        (instance ?CHILD Human)
        (holdsDuring ?TIME
            (attribute ?CHILD NonFullyFormed)))
    (holdsDuring ?TIME
        (instance ?CHILD HumanYouth)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 279-285
        (instance ?CONFINE Confining)
        (patient ?CONFINE ?PERSON)
        (instance ?PERSON Human))
        (desires ?PERSON
            (patient ?CONFINE ?PERSON))))
Merge.kif 12258-12263
        (instance ?EXPERIMENT Experimenting)
        (instance ?SUBJECT Human)
        (experimentalSubject ?EXPERIMENT ?SUBJECT))
    (exists (?PROCESS)
            (instance ?PROCESS Process)
            (experiencer ?PROCESS ?SUBJECT)
                (experimentalControlProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?PROCESS)
                (experimentalVariableProcess ?EXPERIMENT ?PROCESS)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3923-3934
        (instance ?F MilitaryForce)
        (instance ?P Human)
        (instance ?I Imprisoning)
        (member ?P ?F)
        (agent ?I ?E)
        (patient ?I ?P)
        (enemy ?E ?P)
        (eventLocated ?I ?LOC)
        (attribute ?LOC WarState))
    (attribute ?P PrisonerOfWar))
MilitaryPersons.kif 285-296
        (instance ?H Human)
        (attribute ?H Fever))
    (exists (?N)
            (measure ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N FahrenheitDegree))
            (greaterThan ?N 98.6))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6155-6163
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?T Hyperthermia)
                (coreBodyTemp ?H
                    (MeasureFn ?N CelsiusDegree)))))
    (greaterThan ?N 38.3))
Medicine.kif 686-694
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T
                (attribute ?T Hypothermia)
                (coreBodyTemp ?H
                    (MeasureFn ?N CelsiusDegree)))))
    (lessThan ?N 35.0))
Medicine.kif 651-659
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (age ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration)))
        (greaterThan ?N 12)
        (lessThan ?N 20))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (instance ?H Teenager)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 335-341
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (age ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration)))
        (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?N 18))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (instance ?H HumanAdult)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 212-218
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (age ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration)))
        (lessThan ?N 18))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (instance ?H HumanYouth)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 262-267
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (age ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration)))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?N 1))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (instance ?H HumanBaby)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 385-390
        (instance ?H Human)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (age ?H
                (MeasureFn ?N YearDuration)))
        (lessThanOrEqualTo ?N 14))
    (holdsDuring ?T1
        (instance ?H HumanChild)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 304-311
        (instance ?H Human)
        (instance ?R Rectum)
        (part ?R ?H)
        (holdsDuring ?T
                (coreBodyTemp ?H
                    (MeasureFn ?N ?U))
                (measure ?R
                    (MeasureFn ?N2 ?U)))))
    (approximateValue ?N ?N2))
Medicine.kif 519-530

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        (instance ?Y
            (YearFn ?YEAR))
            (MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?Y) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Male)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?Y)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 357-390 EAR year 目 の instance では %n MaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n リスト 整数, 記号文字列, エンティティー, エンティティー and エンティティー リストリストinstance では %n リストlength 整数instance では %n リストITEM average リスト and 実数
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (BirthsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?BIRTH
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT ?THOUSANDS) ?REALNUMBER)))
People.kif 82-97 整数 year 目 の instance では %n BirthsPerThousandFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n PopulationFn 地政学的地域 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (DeathsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?DEATHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?DEATH
                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?PERSON)
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                            (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?DEATH
                                (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?DEATHCOUNT ?THOUSANDS) ?REALNUMBER)))
People.kif 118-133 整数 year 目 の instance では %n DeathsPerThousandFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n PopulationFn 地政学的地域 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
        (equal ?BIRTHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?BIRTH
                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)))))
            (DivisionFn ?BIRTHCOUNT 1000) ?THOUSANDSOFBIRTHS)
        (equal ?INFANTDEATHCOUNT
                (KappaFn ?DEATH
                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INFANT)
                        (instance ?INFANT Human)
                        (age ?INFANT
                            (MeasureFn ?AGE YearDuration))
                        (lessThan ?AGE 1)
                            (WhenFn ?DEATH) ?YEAR)
                            (WhereFn ?DEATH
                                (WhenFn ?DEATH)) ?AREA)))))
People.kif 238-264 整数 year 目 の instance では %n DeathsPerThousandLiveBirthsFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL Female)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 403-436 整数 year 目 の instance では %n FemaleLifeExpectancyAtBirthFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n リスト 整数, 記号文字列, エンティティー, エンティティー and エンティティー リストリストinstance では %n リストlength 整数instance では %n リストITEM average リスト and 実数
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (instance ?LIST List)
                (ListLengthFn ?LIST) ?COUNT)
            (forall (?LISTITEM)
                    (inList ?LISTITEM ?LIST)
                        (instance ?LISTITEM ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                            (exists (?NUMBER)
                                    (instance ?NUMBER ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE)
                                        (inList ?NUMBER ?LIST)))))
                        (equal ?COUNT
                                (KappaFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE
                                        (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                                        (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                        (instance ?INDIVIDUAL Human)
                                            (WhenFn ?BIRTH) ?YEAR)
                                            (WhereFn ?BIRTH
                                                (WhenFn ?BIRTH)) ?AREA)
                                        (instance ?DEATH Death)
                                        (experiencer ?DEATH ?INDIVIDUAL)
                                            (WhenFn ?DEATH)
                                            (age ?INDIVIDUAL
                                                (MeasureFn ?LIFEEXPECTANCYAGE YearDuration))))))))))
            (average ?LIST ?REALNUMBER))))
People.kif 310-342 整数 year 目 の instance では %n LifeExpectancyAtBirthFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n リスト 整数, 記号文字列, エンティティー, エンティティー and エンティティー リストリストinstance では %n リストlength 整数instance では %n リストITEM average リスト and 実数
        (instance ?YEAR
            (YearFn ?Y))
            (MigrantsPerThousandFn ?AREA ?YEAR) ?REALNUMBER))
            (SubtractionFn ?Y ?PY) 1)
        (instance ?PREVIOUSYEAR
            (YearFn ?PY))
        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                (PopulationFn ?AREA) ?POPULATION))
            (DivisionFn ?POPULATION 1000) ?THOUSANDS)
        (equal ?IMMIGRATION
                (KappaFn ?PERSON
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                        (holdsDuring ?PREVIOUSYEAR
                                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))
                        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                            (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA))))))
        (equal ?EMMIGRATION
                (KappaFn ?PERSON
                        (instance ?PERSON Human)
                        (holdsDuring ?PREVIOUSYEAR
                            (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA))
                        (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))))
People.kif 156-187 整数 year 目 の instance では %n MigrantsPerThousandFn 地政学的地域 and 実数equal では %n ( 整数 + 整数) は 1 と equal では %n エンティティー 整数 year 目 の instance では %n PopulationFn 地政学的地域 実数equal では %n は during holds %n{ない} 実数 + 1000 は 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n ( 整数 + 整数) は 実数equal では %n 実数 + 実数 実数equal では %n
        (MaleToFemaleRatioFn ?AREA) ?REALNUMBER)
        (equal ?MALECOUNT
                (KappaFn ?MALE
                        (instance ?MALE Human)
                        (attribute ?MALE Male)
                        (inhabits ?MALE ?AREA)))))
        (equal ?FEMALECOUNT
                (KappaFn ?FEMALE
                        (instance ?FEMALE Human)
                        (attribute ?FEMALE Female)
                        (inhabits ?FEMALE ?AREA)))))
People.kif 206-223 MaleToFemaleRatioFn 地政学的地域 実数equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n 整数 + 整数 実数equal では %n
        (attribute ?C Collectible)
        (hasPurpose ?C ?P))
    (exists (?H ?P2)
            (instance ?H Human)
            (wants ?H ?C)
            (desires ?H ?P2)
            (entails ?P2
                (possesses ?H ?C))
                (equal ?P ?P2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 29558-29570
        (attribute ?I Inhabited)
        (instance ?I Region))
    (exists (?H)
            (instance ?H Human)
            (inhabits ?H ?I))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30144-30151
        (attribute ?PERSON ?ATTRIBUTE)
        (instance ?ATTRIBUTE SocialRole))
    (instance ?PERSON Human))
Merge.kif 17315-17319
        (attribute ?U Uninhabited)
        (instance ?U Region))
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Human)
                (inhabits ?H ?U)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30128-30136
        (attribute ?X Produce)
        (instance ?X FruitOrVegetable))
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?H)
                (instance ?H Harvesting)
                (result ?H ?X)
                (instance ?X
                    (FoodForFn Human))))))
Economy.kif 4195-4204
        (attribute ?X Waiter)
        (instance ?X Human)
        (employs ?REST ?X)
        (instance ?REST Restaurant)
        (customer ?CUST ?REST)
        (located ?CUST ?TABLE)
        (instance ?TABLE Table))
    (exists (?DINING ?C ?FOOD ?KITCHEN)
            (possesses ?REST ?KITCHEN)
            (instance ?KITCHEN KitchenArea)
            (instance ?DINING DiningArea)
            (located ?TABLE ?DINING)
            (hasPurpose ?X
                    (instance ?C Carrying)
                    (agent ?C ?X)
                    (origin ?C ?KITCHEN)
                    (destination ?C ?TABLE)
                    (patient ?C ?FOOD)
                    (instance ?FOOD
                        (FoodForFn Human)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20628-20650
        (businessUnit ?ORG ?BUSINESS)
        (member ?MEMBER ?ORG))
    (instance ?MEMBER Human))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 2579-2583
        (diplomaticRepresentationType ?COUNTRY1 ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2)
        (subAttribute ?ROLE DiplomaticAgent))
    (exists (?PERSON)
            (instance ?PERSON Human)
            (citizen ?PERSON ?COUNTRY1)
            (diplomaticRepresentativeInRole ?COUNTRY1 ?PERSON ?ROLE ?COUNTRY2))))
Government.kif 4546-4554
        (instance ?B Baptizing)
        (patient ?B ?H))
    (instance ?H Human))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 8024-8028
        (instance ?D Demonstration)
        (agent ?D ?A))
        (instance ?A Human)
        (instance ?A GroupOfPeople)))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2714-2720
        (instance ?EV Evacuation)
        (experiencer ?EV ?H))
    (instance ?H Human))
MilitaryProcesses.kif 2585-2589
        (instance ?GROUP GroupOfPeople)
        (member ?MEMBER ?GROUP))
    (instance ?MEMBER Human))
Merge.kif 16309-16313
        (instance ?HP HearingProtection)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (wears ?PERSON ?HP))
    (hasPurpose ?HP
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?SOUND ?HEAR ?HUMAN ?T)
                                    (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                                    (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                                    (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                                    (patient ?HEAR ?SOUND)
                                    (experiencer ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                                    (causes ?HEAR ?I)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?HUMAN)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)
                (instrument ?PROC ?HP)))))
Cars.kif 3432-3461
        (instance ?HS HeavySurf)
        (instance ?PLACE WaterArea)
        (eventLocated ?HS ?PLACE))
    (exists (?SWIM ?A)
            (instance ?SWIM Swimming)
            (instance ?A Human)
            (agent ?SWIM ?A)
            (eventLocated ?SWIM ?PLACE)
                (WhenFn ?HS)
                (hazardous ?HS ?A)))))
Weather.kif 1562-1575
        (instance ?I Immigrating)
        (agent ?I ?A))
    (instance ?A Human))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 17397-17401
        (instance ?INTERVAL TimeInterval)
        (instance ?SITE WebSite))
            (instance ?NEWREGISTRATIONS Collection)
            (forall (?USER)
                        (instance ?USER Human)
                            (exists (?INTERVAL_BEFORE)
                                    (instance ?INTERVAL_BEFORE TimeInterval)
                                    (earlier ?INTERVAL_BEFORE ?INTERVAL)
                                    (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL_BEFORE
                                        (registeredUser ?USER ?SITE)))))
                        (exists (?INTERVAL_DURING)
                                (instance ?INTERVAL_DURING TimeInterval)
                                (during ?INTERVAL_DURING ?INTERVAL)
                                (holdsDuring ?INTERVAL
                                    (registeredUser ?USER ?SITE)))))
                    (member ?USER ?NEWREGISTRATIONS)))
            (equal ?NEWREGISTRATIONS
                (SiteWideNewRegistrationsFn ?INTERVAL ?SITE)))))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3428-3455
        (instance ?ITEM Object)
        (instance ?LISTING WebListing)
        (instance ?OWNER AutonomousAgent)
        (attribute ?LISTING ForSaleByOwner)
        (possesses ?OWNER ?ITEM))
    (instance ?OWNER Human))
UXExperimentalTerms.kif 381-388

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    (instance ?YEAR
        (YearFn ?Y))
        (ChildrenBornPerWomanFn ?AREA ?YEAR)
            (KappaFn ?INFANT
                    (instance ?BIRTH Birth)
                    (experiencer ?BIRTH ?INFANT)
                    (agent ?BIRTH ?WOMAN)
                    (instance ?WOMAN Human)
                    (attribute ?WOMAN Female)
                    (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                        (inhabits ?WOMAN ?AREA)))))))
People.kif 456-469 整数 year 目 の instance では %n ChildrenBornPerWomanFn 地政学的地域 and エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (AvailableForMilitaryServiceMaleFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (age ?PERSON ?AGE)
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 863-872 AvailableForMilitaryServiceMaleFn 地政学的地域 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (FitForMilitaryServiceMaleFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (subclass ?PROCESS MilitaryProcess)
                (fitForMilitaryService ?PERSON ?PROCESS)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (age ?PERSON ?AGE)
                (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 886-897 FitForMilitaryServiceMaleFn 地政学的地域 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (PopulationFn ?AREA)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31744-31749 PopulationFn 地政学的地域 エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
    (ReachingMilitaryAgeAnnuallyMaleFn ?AREA ?YEAR)
        (KappaFn ?PERSON
                (instance ?PERSON Human)
                (attribute ?PERSON Male)
                (militaryAge ?AREA ?MILITARYAGE)
                (equal ?AGEMINUSONE
                    (SubtractionFn ?AGE 1))
                (holdsDuring ?YEAR
                        (age ?PERSON ?AGEMINUSONE)
                        (age ?PERSON ?AGE)))
                (equal ?AGE ?MILITARYAGE)
                (inhabits ?PERSON ?AREA)))))
Military.kif 924-937 ReachingMilitaryAgeAnnuallyMaleFn 地政学的地域 and エンティティー classinstances の数 と equal では %n
(equal Food
    (FoodForFn Human))
Merge.kif 14919-14919 FoodFoodForFn 人[人間]equal では %n

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