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Sigma KEE - Bone

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Bone ChineseLanguage "这是大致由钙质所组成的坚硬Tissue,它构成了 Vertebrate 的 骨架。注:这个 Class 也包括牙齿。") chinese_format.kif 3526-3527
(documentation Bone EnglishLanguage "A Bone that is (or was) part of a Primate.") Anatomy.kif 22-22
(documentation Bone EnglishLanguage "Parts of the body that are made up of BoneTissue.") Merge.kif 15224-15224
(externalImage Bone " Humerus_ant.jpg") pictureList.kif 45-45
(initialPart Bone Primate) Anatomy.kif 21-21 initialPart and 霊長類
(subclass Bone BodyPart) Merge.kif 15223-15223 体の部分subclass では %n
(subclass Bone Bone) Anatomy.kif 18-18 subclass では %n

appearance as argument number 2

(intialPart BoneMarrow Bone) Medicine.kif 1221-1221 intialPart BoneMarrow and
(subclass ArmBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 685-685 ArmBonesubclass では %n
(subclass Bone Bone) Anatomy.kif 18-18 subclass では %n
(subclass Coccyx Bone) Anatomy.kif 1026-1026 Coccyxsubclass では %n
(subclass FootBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 1099-1099 FootBonesubclass では %n
(subclass HeadBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 52-52 HeadBonesubclass では %n
(subclass Horn Bone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11509-11509 Hornsubclass では %n
(subclass Ivory Bone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11520-11520 Ivorysubclass では %n
(subclass LegBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 1032-1032 LegBonesubclass では %n
(subclass PelvicBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 1000-1000 PelvicBonesubclass では %n
(subclass Phalanx Bone) Anatomy.kif 1283-1283 Phalanxsubclass では %n
(subclass RibBone Bone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11230-11230 RibBonesubclass では %n
(subclass Sacrum Bone) Anatomy.kif 1017-1017 Sacrumsubclass では %n
(subclass ShoulderGirdleBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 213-213 ShoulderGirdleBonesubclass では %n
(subclass ThoraxBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 246-246 ThoraxBonesubclass では %n
(subclass ThroatBone Bone) Anatomy.kif 202-202 ThroatBonesubclass では %n
(subclass Tooth Bone) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11469-11469 Toothsubclass では %n
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Bone "骨骼") chinese_format.kif 1026-1026
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Bone "Bone") Anatomy.kif 19-19
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Bone "bone") english_format.kif 1264-1264
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Bone "os") french_format.kif 704-704
(termFormat Hindi Bone "asthi") terms-hindi.txt 235-235
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Bone "Osso") terms-it.txt 238-238
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Bone "骨") japanese_format.kif 2387-2387

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    (instance ?BONE Bone)
    (exists (?SKELETON)
                (instance ?SKELETON Skeleton)
                (instance ?SKELETON Exoskeleton))
            (part ?BONE ?SKELETON))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11681-11688 オブジェクトinstance では %n オブジェクト オブジェクトSkeletoninstance では %n オブジェクトExoskeletoninstance では %n オブジェクト オブジェクトpart では %n
    (instance ?B Bone)
    (material BoneTissue ?B))
Merge.kif 15225-15227


        (instance ?A Amputating)
        (patient ?A ?H)
        (instance ?L Limb))
    (exists (?P ?B)
            (part ?P ?L)
            (part ?B ?P)
            (instance ?B Bone)
                    (WhenFn ?A))
                (part ?P ?H))
                    (WhenFn ?A))
                    (part ?P ?H))))))
Medicine.kif 6257-6275
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H BoneFracture))
    (exists (?S ?B)
            (instance ?S Separating)
            (patient ?S ?B)
            (instance ?B Bone)
            (part ?B ?H)
                (WhenFn ?S) ?T))))
Medicine.kif 6128-6137
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H OpenFracture))
    (exists (?S ?B)
            (instance ?S Skin)
            (part ?S ?H)
            (instance ?B Bone)
            (part ?B ?H)
            (holdsDuring ?T
                (traverses ?B ?S)))))
Medicine.kif 6144-6154
    (instance ?O Ossification)
    (exists (?B)
            (instance ?B Bone)
            (result ?O ?B))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11543-11548
    (instance ?S Skull)
    (memberType ?S Bone))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11482-11484
    (instance ?T Tendon)
    (exists (?M ?B)
            (instance ?M Muscle)
            (instance ?B Bone)
            (connects ?T ?M ?B))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9448-9454

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