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Sigma KEE - partTypes

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation partTypes EnglishLanguage "(partTypes ?PART_TYPE ?WHOLE_TYPE) means that every instance of ?PART_TYPE is parts of an instance of ?WHOLE_TYPE.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 23809-23810
(domainSubclass partTypes 1 Object) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23805-23805 Il numero 1 argomento partTypes è una sottoclasse diOggetto
(domainSubclass partTypes 2 Object) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23806-23806 Il numero 2 argomento partTypes è una sottoclasse diOggetto
(instance partTypes BinaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23804-23804 partTypes è un' istanza di PredicatoBinario
(relatedInternalConcept partTypes part) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23808-23808 partTypes è interamente correlato a part
(subrelation partTypes typicalPart) Mid-level-ontology.kif 23807-23807 partTypes è una sottorelazione di typicalPart

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage partTypes "每个 %1 是 %2 的 part ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4078-4078
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage partTypes "每個 %1 是 %2 的 part ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4077-4077
(format EnglishLanguage partTypes "every %1 is a part of a %2") domainEnglishFormat.kif 4076-4076
(termFormat EnglishLanguage partTypes "part types") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65895-65895


        (partTypes ?PARTTYPE ?WHOLETYPE)
        (instance ?PART ?PARTTYPE))
    (exists (?WHOLE)
            (instance ?WHOLE ?WHOLETYPE)
            (part ?PART ?WHOLE))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 23812-23819

appearance as argument number 0

(partTypes Abdomen Torso) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12847-12847 partTypes Abdomen and Torso
(partTypes AbdominalAorta Aorta) arteries.kif 1273-1273 partTypes AbdominalAorta and Aorta
(partTypes AscendingAorta Aorta) arteries.kif 8-8 partTypes AscendingAorta and Aorta
(partTypes ComputerKeyboard ComputerKeyboardKey) ComputerInput.kif 375-375 partTypes ComputerKeyboard and ComputerKeyboardKey
(partTypes ComputerMenu ComputerMenuItem) ComputerInput.kif 1134-1134 partTypes ComputerMenu and ComputerMenuItem
(partTypes ComputerMenuItem ComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 1133-1133 partTypes ComputerMenuItem and ComputerMenu
(partTypes ComputerMouse MouseButton) ComputerInput.kif 400-400 partTypes ComputerMouse and MouseButton
(partTypes FrontalLobe Brain) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11902-11902 partTypes FrontalLobe and Brain
(partTypes GUISlider GUISliderIndicator) ComputerInput.kif 1041-1041 partTypes GUISlider and GUISliderIndicator
(partTypes GameIODeviceWithAccelerometer Accelerometer) ComputerInput.kif 639-639 partTypes GameIODeviceWithAccelerometer and Accelerometer
(partTypes GraphicalComputerMenu GraphicalMenuItem) ComputerInput.kif 1150-1150 partTypes GraphicalComputerMenu and GraphicalMenuItem
(partTypes GraphicalMenuItem GraphicalComputerMenu) ComputerInput.kif 1149-1149 partTypes GraphicalMenuItem and GraphicalComputerMenu
(partTypes IncusBone AuditoryCanal) Anatomy.kif 1617-1617 partTypes IncusBone and AuditoryCanal
(partTypes InternalComputerLoudspeaker ComputerHardware) ComputerInput.kif 539-539 partTypes InternalComputerLoudspeaker and ComputerHardware
(partTypes MalleusBone AuditoryCanal) Anatomy.kif 1616-1616 partTypes MalleusBone and AuditoryCanal
(partTypes Medulla Brain) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11880-11880 partTypes Medulla and Brain
(partTypes OccipitalLobes Brain) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11909-11909 partTypes OccipitalLobes and Brain
(partTypes ParietalLobe Brain) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11894-11894 partTypes ParietalLobe and Brain
(partTypes Pons Brain) Mid-level-ontology.kif 11886-11886 partTypes Pons and Brain
(partTypes ScrollBarArrowButton ScrollBar) ComputerInput.kif 986-986 partTypes ScrollBarArrowButton and ScrollBar
(partTypes ScrollBarBar ScrollBar) ComputerInput.kif 975-975 partTypes ScrollBarBar and ScrollBar
(partTypes ScrollBarDownArrowButton VerticalScrollBar) ComputerInput.kif 1019-1019 partTypes ScrollBarDownArrowButton and VerticalScrollBar
(partTypes ScrollBarLeftArrowButton HorizontalScrollBar) ComputerInput.kif 1002-1002 partTypes ScrollBarLeftArrowButton and HorizontalScrollBar
(partTypes ScrollBarRightArrowButton HorizontalScrollBar) ComputerInput.kif 995-995 partTypes ScrollBarRightArrowButton and HorizontalScrollBar
(partTypes ScrollBarUpArrowButton VerticalScrollBar) ComputerInput.kif 1010-1010 partTypes ScrollBarUpArrowButton and VerticalScrollBar

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