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Sigma KEE - domain

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation domain ChineseLanguage "为声明某种特定关系参数的类型, 提供一个便利计算机和应用启发 式运算的机制。公式(domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS)的意思是在?REL关系中,每个元组的第?INT个元素,必须是 ?CLASS种的一个实例。 指定参数类型对维护知识本体甚有裨益。 表示知识的系统可以使用这些规范来把术语分类, 并检查系统的完整性约束有否受到破坏。如果出现某个Relation参数类型的限制,还没有在知识本体内现有 SetOrClass 定义所描述时,可以使用 UnionFnIntersectionFn 等这些功能,来逐一指定该 SetOrClass 的限制。") chinese_format.kif 1380-1385
(documentation domain EnglishLanguage "Provides a computationally and heuristically convenient mechanism for declaring the argument types of a given relation. The formula (domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) means that the ?INT'th element of each tuple in the relation ?REL must be an instance of ?CLASS. Specifying argument types is very helpful in maintaining ontologies. Representation systems can use these specifications to classify terms and check integrity constraints. If the restriction on the argument type of a Relation is not captured by a Class already defined in the ontology, one can specify a Class compositionally with the functions UnionFn, IntersectionFn, etc.") Merge.kif 211-219
(documentation domain JapaneseLanguage "特定の関係の引数タイプを宣言するための計算および ヒューリスティックに便利なメカニズムの提供。 式 (domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) とは、リレーション ?RELのそれぞれのタプルの?INT番目の要素が?CLASSのインスタンスでなければならない、という意味である。 引数タイプを指定することはオントロジーの維持に非常に役立つ。 表現システムは、これらの仕様を使用して 用語を分類し、整合性制約を確認する。Relation の引数タイプの制限が、すでにオントロジーで定義され ている SetOrClass でキャプチャされない場合、UnionFnIntersectionFn などの関数を使用して 構成的に SetOrClass を指定できる。") japanese_format.kif 38-44
(documentation domain SpanishLanguage "Provee un mecanismo computacionalmente y de manera heurística conveniente para declarar los tipos de argumentos en una relación dada. La fórmula (domain ?REL ?INT ?CLASS) significa que el ?INT-ésimo elemento de cada tupla en la relación ?REL debe ser una instancia de ?CLASS. Especificar los tipos de argumentos es muy util para mantener una ontología. Los sistemas de representación pueden usar estas especificaciones para clasificar términos y verificar las restricciones de integridad. Si la restricción en el tipo de argumento Relation no es capturado por un SetOrClass ya definido, se puede especificar un SetOrClass composicionalmente con las funciones UnionFn, IntersectionFn, etc.") spanish_format.kif 40-48
(domain domain 1 Relation) Merge.kif 208-208 The number 1 argument of domain is an instance of relation
(domain domain 2 PositiveInteger) Merge.kif 209-209 The number 2 argument of domain is an instance of positive integer
(domain domain 3 Class) Merge.kif 210-210 The number 3 argument of domain is an instance of class
(instance domain TernaryPredicate) Merge.kif 207-207 domain is an instance of ternary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage domain "%1 的 %2 数量 %n 是 %3 的 instance") chinese_format.kif 291-291
(format EnglishLanguage domain "the number %2 argument of %1 is %n an instance of %3") english_format.kif 296-296
(format FrenchLanguage domain "le nombre %2 argument de %1 est %n une instance de %3") french_format.kif 168-168
(format ItalianLanguage domain "il numero %2 argomenti di %1 è %n un istanza di %3") relations-it.txt 82-82
(format JapaneseLanguage domain "%1 の数値 %2 引数は %3 の instance では %n") japanese_format.kif 1988-1988
(format PortugueseLanguage domain "o argumento numero %2 de %1 e' %n uma instancia de %3") portuguese_format.kif 120-120
(format cz domain "%2th argument of %1 %p{je} %n{nen�} an instance of %3") relations-cz.txt 177-177
(format de domain "die Zahl %2 Argument von %1 ist ein fall von %3 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 378-378
(format hi domain "%1 kaa koNaanka sankhyaaa %2, %3 kaa udaaharaNa %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 122-122
(format ro domain "argumentul numãrul %2 al lui %1 %n{nu} este o instance%t{instanþiere} a lui %3") relations-ro.kif 188-188
(format sv domain "nummer %2 argumentet till %1 är %n{inte} en instans av %3") relations-sv.txt 175-175
(format tg domain "ang bilang %2 bahagi ng %1 %n ay ang halimbawa ng %3") relations-cb.txt 116-116
(termFormat ChineseLanguage domain "域") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20112-20112
(termFormat ChineseLanguage domain "定义域") chinese_format.kif 292-292
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage domain "域") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20111-20111
(termFormat EnglishLanguage domain "domain") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20110-20110
(termFormat de domain "definitionsbereich") terms-de.txt 118-118
(termFormat tg domain "lupain") relations-tg.txt 180-180


        (applicableRelation ?O ?R)
        (instance ?O ?OC)
        (domain ?R 1 ?DC))
        (equal ?OC ?DC)
        (subclass ?OC ?DC)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 31419-31426
        (domain ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS)
        (instance ?REL Predicate)
        (?REL @ROW))
            (ListFn @ROW) ?NUMBER) ?CLASS))
Merge.kif 2999-3004
        (domain ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS1)
        (domain ?REL ?NUMBER ?CLASS2))
        (subclass ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2)
        (subclass ?CLASS2 ?CLASS1)))
Merge.kif 221-227
        (domain ?REL1 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1)
        (domain ?REL2 ?NUMBER ?CLASS2)
        (disjoint ?CLASS1 ?CLASS2))
    (disjointRelation ?REL1 ?REL2))
Merge.kif 419-424
        (instance ?REL EconomicRelation)
        (domain ?REL 1 ?CLASS))
    (subclass ?CLASS GeopoliticalArea))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16932-16936
        (subrelation ?PRED1 ?PRED2)
        (domain ?PRED2 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1))
    (domain ?PRED1 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1))
Merge.kif 186-190


        (subrelation ?PRED1 ?PRED2)
        (domain ?PRED2 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1))
    (domain ?PRED1 ?NUMBER ?CLASS1))
Merge.kif 186-190
    (instance ?FUN OneToOneFunction)
    (forall (?ARG1 ?ARG2)
            (exists (?CLASS)
                    (domain ?FUN 1 ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?ARG1 ?CLASS)
                    (instance ?ARG2 ?CLASS)
                        (equal ?ARG1 ?ARG2))))
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUN ?ARG1)
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUN ?ARG2))))))
Merge.kif 3376-3386
    (instance ?FUNCTION AssociativeFunction)
    (forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?INST3 ?CLASS)
                (domain ?FUNCTION 1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST2 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST3 ?CLASS))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST3))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION
                    (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2) ?INST3)))))
Merge.kif 3419-3429
    (instance ?FUNCTION CommutativeFunction)
    (forall (?INST1 ?INST2 ?CLASS)
                (domain ?FUNCTION 1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST1 ?CLASS)
                (instance ?INST2 ?CLASS))
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST1 ?INST2)
                (AssignmentFn ?FUNCTION ?INST2 ?INST1)))))
Merge.kif 3439-3449

appearance as argument number 0

(domain ABPFn 1 Collection) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3225-3225 The number 1 argument of average buying price is an instance of collection
(domain ASPFn 1 Collection) UXExperimentalTerms.kif 3270-3270 The number 1 argument of average buying price is an instance of collection
(domain AbortedFn 1 AutonomousAgent) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2411-2411 The number 1 argument of aborted is an instance of agent
(domain AbortedFn 2 Process) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2412-2412 The number 2 argument of aborted is an instance of process
(domain AbortedLaunchFn 2 TakingOff) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2528-2528 The number 2 argument of aborted launch is an instance of taking off
(domain AbortedMissionFn 2 MilitaryOperation) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2431-2431 The number 2 argument of aborted mission is an instance of military operation
(domain AbsoluteValueFn 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 4763-4763 The number 1 argument of absolute value is an instance of real number
(domain AccelerationFn 1 FunctionQuantity) Cars.kif 1274-1274 The number 1 argument of Acceleration fn is an instance of function quantity
(domain AccelerationFn 2 TimeDuration) Cars.kif 1275-1275 The number 2 argument of Acceleration fn is an instance of time duration
(domain AccelerationFn 3 Object) Cars.kif 1276-1276 The number 3 argument of Acceleration fn is an instance of object
(domain AccelerationFn 4 DirectionalAttribute) Cars.kif 1277-1277 The number 4 argument of Acceleration fn is an instance of directional attribute
(domain AccountFn 1 FinancialAsset) FinancialOntology.kif 2316-2316 The number 1 argument of account is an instance of financial asset
(domain AdditionFn 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 4713-4713 The number 1 argument of addition is an instance of real number
(domain AdditionFn 2 RealNumber) Merge.kif 4714-4714 The number 2 argument of addition is an instance of real number
(domain AddressFn 1 ComputerFile) QoSontology.kif 223-223 The number 1 argument of address is an instance of computer file
(domain AfternoonFn 1 Day) Merge.kif 8870-8870 The number 1 argument of afternoon of is an instance of day
(domain AgreementOrganizationFn 1 Agreement) Geography.kif 3056-3056 The number 1 argument of agreement organization is an instance of agreement
(domain AlbumCopiesFn 1 Album) Music.kif 930-930 The number 1 argument of album copies function is an instance of album
(domain AmountsFn 2 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 7579-7579 The number 2 argument of Amounts fn is an instance of corpuscular object
(domain AmountsFn 3 UnitOfMass) Merge.kif 7580-7580 The number 3 argument of Amounts fn is an instance of unit of mass
(domain ArcCosineFn 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 5260-5260 The number 1 argument of arccosine is an instance of real number
(domain ArcSineFn 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 5270-5270 The number 1 argument of arcsine is an instance of real number
(domain ArcTangentFn 1 RealNumber) Merge.kif 5250-5250 The number 1 argument of arctangent is an instance of real number
(domain AssignmentFn 1 Function) Merge.kif 786-786 The number 1 argument of assignment is an instance of function
(domain AssignmentFn 2 Entity) Merge.kif 787-787 The number 2 argument of assignment is an instance of entity

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