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Sigma KEE - sheddingBodyPart

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation sheddingBodyPart EnglishLanguage "A relation between an Organisim and its BodyPart which is given off as part of the normal process of life.") Geography.kif 6450-6451
(domain sheddingBodyPart 1 Organism) Geography.kif 6448-6448
(domain sheddingBodyPart 2 BodyPart) Geography.kif 6449-6449
(instance sheddingBodyPart SheddingPart) Geography.kif 6447-6447

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage sheddingBodyPart "%1 is Removing %2 from its body") domainEnglishFormat.kif 5009-5009
(termFormat EnglishLanguage sheddingBodyPart "shedding body part") domainEnglishFormat.kif 65937-65937


        (instance ?C Crustacean)
        (sheddingBodyPart ?C ?S))
    (instance ?S AnimalShell))
Geography.kif 6473-6477
        (instance ?C DomesticCat)
        (sheddingBodyPart ?C ?H))
    (instance ?H Hair))
Geography.kif 6461-6465
        (instance ?R Reptile)
        (sheddingBodyPart ?R ?S))
    (instance ?S Skin))
Geography.kif 6467-6471
    (sheddingBodyPart ?O ?P)
    (exists (?M)
            (instance ?M Moulting)
            (origin ?M ?O)
            (patient ?M ?P))))
Geography.kif 6453-6459

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