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Sigma KEE - Conscious

appearance as argument number 1

(contraryAttribute Conscious Unconscious) Medicine.kif 423-423
(documentation Conscious EnglishLanguage "Unlike an Unconscious Human, a conscious one is able to perform at least some sort of IntentionalProcess, even if very minimal, such as Blinking of the Eye of someone who is suffereing from a profound Paralysis.") Medicine.kif 424-426
(instance Conscious ConsciousnessAttribute) Medicine.kif 422-422

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage Conscious "conscious") Medicine.kif 427-427


    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H Conscious))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (capability IntentionalProcess agent ?H)))
Medicine.kif 429-433


        (instance ?A Sedating)
        (patient ?A ?P))
        (WhenFn ?A)
            (attribute ?P Conscious)
                (attribute ?P Anxiety)))))
Medicine.kif 971-980
        (instance ?S AbsenceSeizure)
        (experiencer ?S ?A))
        (WhenFn ?S)
            (attribute ?A Conscious))))
Medicine.kif 1678-1685
        (instance ?S FocalSeizure)
        (experiencer ?S ?A))
        (WhenFn ?S)
        (attribute ?A Conscious)))
Medicine.kif 1657-1663
        (instance ?S TonicClonicSeizure)
        (experiencer ?S ?A))
        (WhenFn ?S)
            (attribute ?A Conscious))))
Medicine.kif 1627-1634
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H AVPUAlertStatus))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H Conscious)))
Medicine.kif 6417-6421

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