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Sigma KEE - CorpuscularObject

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint CorpuscularObject Substance) Merge.kif 1227-1227
(documentation CorpuscularObject ChineseLanguage "这是一个整体和部分之间不存在共有的特性 SelfConnectedObject。 ") chinese_format.kif 1624-1625
(documentation CorpuscularObject EnglishLanguage "A SelfConnectedObject whose parts have properties that are not shared by the whole.") Merge.kif 1228-1229
(documentation CorpuscularObject JapaneseLanguage "パーツのプロパティが全体で共有されない SelfConnectedObject。") japanese_format.kif 206-207
(documentation CorpuscularObject SpanishLanguage "Un SelfConnectedObject cuyas propiedades no comparten entre todo el objeto.") spanish_format.kif 245-246
(subclass CorpuscularObject SelfConnectedObject) Merge.kif 1226-1226

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Bubble CorpuscularObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 4994-4994
(subclass ContentBearingObject CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 1327-1327
(subclass Nest CorpuscularObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 5021-5021
(subclass Organelle CorpuscularObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 10336-10336
(subclass OrganicObject CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 14392-14392
(subclass RealEstate CorpuscularObject) FinancialOntology.kif 1356-1356
(subclass Sonar CorpuscularObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 2605-2605
(termFormat ChineseLanguage CorpuscularObject "躯体性物体") chinese_format.kif 830-830
(termFormat EnglishLanguage CorpuscularObject "corpuscular object") english_format.kif 862-862
(termFormat FrenchLanguage CorpuscularObject "objet corpusculaire ") french_format.kif 506-506
(termFormat Hindi CorpuscularObject "kaNikaa sambandhI padaartha") terms-hindi.txt 38-38
(termFormat ItalianLanguage CorpuscularObject "OggettoCorpuscolare") terms-it.txt 41-41
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage CorpuscularObject "微粒子オブジェクト") japanese_format.kif 2191-2191
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage CorpuscularObject "Objeto Corpuscular") portuguese_format.kif 458-458
(termFormat cz CorpuscularObject "corpuscular object") terms-cz.txt 73-73
(termFormat ro CorpuscularObject "obiect neomogen") relations-ro.kif 527-527
(termFormat tg CorpuscularObject "bagay") terms-tg.txt 42-42

appearance as argument number 3

(domain AmountsFn 2 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 7579-7579
(domain amount 2 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 7594-7594
(domain component 1 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 967-967
(domain component 2 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 968-968
(domain material 2 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 979-979
(domain sliceOfFigure 2 CorpuscularObject) Mid-level-ontology.kif 4806-4806
(domainSubclass substanceElement 1 CorpuscularObject) Merge.kif 1242-1242


        (instance ?G Grinding)
        (patient ?G ?O)
        (instance ?O CorpuscularObject))
            (WhenFn ?G))
        (exists (?C)
                (result ?G ?C)
                (instance ?C Collection)
                (forall (?M)
                        (member ?M ?C)
                        (part ?M ?O)))))))
Food.kif 1012-1026
        (instance ?HR Reel)
        (instance ?K Keeping)
        (instance ?H CorpuscularObject)
        (attribute ?H LongAndThin)
        (attribute ?H Pliable)
        (instrument ?K ?HR)
        (patient ?K ?H))
    (exists (?P)
            (part ?P ?H)
            (meetsSpatially ?P ?HR))))
Cars.kif 4272-4284
        (instance ?HR Reel)
        (instance ?K Keeping)
        (instance ?H CorpuscularObject)
        (attribute ?H LongAndThin)
        (attribute ?H Pliable)
        (instrument ?K ?HR)
        (patient ?K ?H))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Rotating)
            (patient ?R ?HR)
            (subProcess ?R ?K))))
Cars.kif 4286-4299
    (instance ?OBJ CorpuscularObject)
    (exists (?SUBSTANCE1 ?SUBSTANCE2)
            (subclass ?SUBSTANCE1 Substance)
            (subclass ?SUBSTANCE2 Substance)
            (material ?SUBSTANCE1 ?OBJ)
            (material ?SUBSTANCE2 ?OBJ)
                (equal ?SUBSTANCE1 ?SUBSTANCE2)))))
Merge.kif 1231-1239


    (instance ?ATTACH Attaching)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ CorpuscularObject)
            (patient ?ATTACH ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 12415-12420
    (instance ?DETACH Detaching)
    (exists (?OBJ)
            (instance ?OBJ CorpuscularObject)
            (patient ?DETACH ?OBJ))))
Merge.kif 12463-12468
    (instance ?G Gasket)
    (hasPurpose ?G
        (exists (?O1 ?O2)
                (instance ?O1 CorpuscularObject)
                (instance ?O2 CorpuscularObject)
                (meetsSpatially ?O1 ?G)
                (meetsSpatially ?O2 ?G)
                    (exists (?H ?D ?T ?O)
                            (instance ?H HoleRegion)
                            (equal ?G
                                (HoleHostFn ?H))
                            (instance ?T Translocation)
                            (path ?T ?H)
                            (origin ?T ?O)
                            (destination ?T ?D)
                            (contains ?O1 ?O)
                                (contains ?O1 ?D))
                            (meetsSpatially ?O1 ?D)
                                (exists (?O3)
                                        (contains ?H ?O3)
                                            (contains ?O1 ?O3))
                                            (contains ?O2 ?O3))))))))))))
Cars.kif 2826-2855
    (instance ?PGUIDE PhysicalGuiding)
    (exists (?MOVED)
            (patient ?PGUIDE ?MOVED)
            (instance ?MOVED CorpuscularObject))))
ComputerInput.kif 105-110
    (instance ?W WasherForBolt)
    (hasPurpose ?W
        (exists (?O1 ?O2)
                (instance ?O1 CorpuscularObject)
                (instance ?O2 AttachingDevice)
                (meetsSpatially ?O1 ?W)
                (contains ?W ?O2)))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 4278-4286
    (instance ?X Reel)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?K ?H)
                (instance ?K Keeping)
                (instance ?H CorpuscularObject)
                (attribute ?H LongAndThin)
                (attribute ?H Pliable)
                (instrument ?K ?X)
                (patient ?K ?H)))))
Cars.kif 4260-4270

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