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Sigma KEE - piece

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation piece ChineseLanguage "这是对 Substance 某些部分的一个专业常识概念。类似的同意词 有:块、大块、小块等。可参考比较 part 的另外一个子关系 component 。") chinese_format.kif 1576-1577
(documentation piece EnglishLanguage "A specialized common sense notion of part for arbitrary parts of Substances. Quasi-synonyms are: chunk, hunk, bit, etc. Compare component, another subrelation of part.") Merge.kif 954-956
(documentation piece JapaneseLanguage "Substances の任意のパーツの専門常識の概念の部分。 準同義語:チャンク、ハンク、ビット、など。 part のもう1つの下位関係である component と比較 する。") japanese_format.kif 150-152
(documentation piece SpanishLanguage "Una noción de sentido común especializada para piezas arbitrarias de Substances. Los cuasi sinónimos son pedazo, trozo y cacho. Compare component, otra subrelación de part.") spanish_format.kif 175-177
(domain piece 1 Substance) Merge.kif 951-951
(domain piece 2 Substance) Merge.kif 952-952
(instance piece BinaryPredicate) Merge.kif 950-950
(subrelation piece part) Merge.kif 949-949

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage piece "%1 %n 是 %2 的 piece") chinese_format.kif 169-169
(format EnglishLanguage piece "%1 is %n a piece of %2") english_format.kif 170-170
(format FrenchLanguage piece "%1 est %n une pi�ce de %2") french_format.kif 104-104
(format ItalianLanguage piece "%1 è %n un membro di %2") relations-it.txt 223-223
(format JapaneseLanguage piece "%1 は %2 の piece では %n") japanese_format.kif 1933-1933
(format PortugueseLanguage piece "%1 e' %n uma peca de %2") portuguese_format.kif 56-56
(format cz piece "%1 %p{je} %n{nen�} a piece of %2") relations-cz.txt 66-66
(format de piece "%1 ist ein stueck von %2 %n{nicht}") relations-de.txt 209-209
(format hi piece "%1 %2 kaa Tukadaa %n hai") relations-hindi.txt 261-261
(format ro piece "%1 %n{nu} este o piece%t{bucatã} a lui %2") relations-ro.kif 123-123
(format sv piece "%1 är %n{inte} en bit av %2") relations-sv.txt 105-105
(format tg piece "%1 %n ay ang bahagi ng %2") relations-tg.txt 415-415
(termFormat ChineseLanguage piece "块") chinese_format.kif 170-170
(termFormat ChineseLanguage piece "片") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45800-45800
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage piece "片") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45799-45799
(termFormat EnglishLanguage piece "piece") domainEnglishFormat.kif 45798-45798
(termFormat de piece "stueck") terms-de.txt 65-65


        (instance ?F Food)
        (attribute ?F DecafAttribute)
        (piece ?C ?F)
        (instance ?C Caffeine))
    (exists (?R)
            (instance ?R Removing)
            (destination ?R ?F)
            (patient ?R ?C))))
Food.kif 425-435
        (instance ?MIXTURE Mixture)
        (piece ?SUBSTANCE ?MIXTURE)
            (instance ?SUBSTANCE Mixture)))
    (instance ?SUBSTANCE PureSubstance))
Merge.kif 1200-1205
        (instance ?OBJ Substance)
        (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR)
        (piece ?PART ?OBJ))
    (attribute ?PART ?ATTR))
Merge.kif 1060-1065
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (piece ?PART
        (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Geography.kif 4905-4909
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (SpeedFn ?LENGTH ?TIME))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (piece ?PART
        (SpeedFn ?LENGTH ?TIME)))
Geography.kif 4899-4903
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (VelocityFn ?LENGTH ?TIME ?REGION ?DIRECTION))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (measure ?PART
        (VelocityFn ?LENGTH ?TIME ?REGION ?DIRECTION)))
Geography.kif 4911-4915
        (subclass ?OBJECTTYPE Substance)
        (instance ?OBJECT ?OBJECTTYPE)
        (piece ?PART ?OBJECT))
    (instance ?PART ?OBJECTTYPE))
Merge.kif 1053-1058
    (forall (?CLASS)
            (instance ?SUBSTANCE1 ?CLASS)
            (instance ?SUBSTANCE2 ?CLASS))))
Merge.kif 958-963


        (attribute ?F DecafAttribute)
        (instance ?F Food))
        (exists (?C)
                (instance ?C Caffeine)
                (piece ?C ?F)))))
Food.kif 437-445
        (instance ?C Curdling)
        (patient ?C ?X)
        (instance ?X Colloid))
    (exists (?S ?A)
            (instance ?S Separating)
            (subProcess ?S ?C)
            (patient ?S ?X)
            (result ?S ?A)
            (piece ?A ?X)
            (instance ?A Substance))))
Food.kif 3199-3211
        (instance ?F Food)
        (attribute ?F CaffeinatedAttribute))
    (exists (?CAF)
            (instance ?CAF Caffeine)
            (piece ?CAF ?F))))
Food.kif 411-418
        (instance ?X Substance)
        (attribute ?X Insoluble))
            (exists (?Y ?Z)
                    (instance ?Y Substance)
                    (instance ?Z Solution)
                    (piece ?X ?Z)
                    (piece ?Y ?Z))) Possibility)))
Geography.kif 7380-7392
        (instance ?X Substance)
        (attribute ?X Soluble))
        (exists (?Y ?Z)
                (instance ?Y Substance)
                (instance ?Z Solution)
                (piece ?X ?Z)
                (piece ?Y ?Z))) Possibility))
Geography.kif 7352-7363
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (piece ?PART
        (MeasureFn ?NUM KnotUnitOfSpeed)))
Geography.kif 4905-4909
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (SpeedFn ?LENGTH ?TIME))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (piece ?PART
        (SpeedFn ?LENGTH ?TIME)))
Geography.kif 4899-4903
    (bloodVolume ?H ?V)
        (exists (?B)
                (instance ?B Blood)
                (contains ?H ?B)
                (instance ?H Human)
                (measure ?B ?V)))
            (exists (?B2)
                    (instance ?B2 Blood)
                    (contains ?H ?B2)
                        (piece ?B2 ?B)))))))
Medicine.kif 5897-5912
    (instance ?AIR Air)
    (piece ?AIR EarthsAtmosphere))
Weather.kif 37-39
    (instance ?Loam Loam)
    (exists (?Clay ?Sand ?Gravel ?Silt ?Organic)
            (instance ?Clay Clay)
            (piece ?Clay ?Loam)
            (instance ?Gravel Gravel)
            (piece ?Gravel ?Loam)
            (instance ?Sand Sand)
            (piece ?Sand ?Loam)
            (instance ?Silt Silt)
            (piece ?Silt ?Loam)
            (instance ?Organic BodySubstance)
            (piece ?Organic ?Loam))))
Geography.kif 4340-4353
    (instance ?MIXTURE Mixture)
    (exists (?PURE1 ?PURE2)
            (instance ?PURE1 PureSubstance)
            (instance ?PURE2 PureSubstance)
                (equal ?PURE1 ?PURE2))
            (piece ?PURE1 ?MIXTURE)
            (piece ?PURE2 ?MIXTURE))))
Merge.kif 1190-1198

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