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Sigma KEE - VlaamsLanguage

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(documentation VlaamsLanguage EnglishLanguage "The VlaamssLanguage is a LowFranconianLanguage of Belgium (Flemish). SIL code: VLA. ISO 639-2: gem. Population: 1,070,000, over 89% of the inhabitants of West Flanders in Belgium (1998 U. of Ghent). Population total all countries 1,300,000 (1998 University of Ghent) including 220,000 in Zeeuws, 1,100,000 in West Vlaams and Frans Vlaams. Region: Large parts of the Province of West Flanders. Alternate names: FLAMAND, VLAEMSCH. Dialects: WEST VLAAMS (VLAEMSCH). Comments: Bilingualism in French, some English. All ages. Speakers attitude toward French was hostile, but has normalized. Speakers are called 'Vlamingen', language 'Vlaemsch.' Dictionary. SOV. The spelling systems in the 3 countries differ so as to make acceptance of written materials difficult among them. Christian. Also spoken in: France. (Language name: VLAAMS.) Population: 10,000 in France (1984 Menheere, 1993 Evenhuis). Alternate names: FLAMAND, FLEMISH, VLAEMSCH. Dialects: FRANS VLAAMS (VLAEMSCH). Comments: Close to Dutch, English, Frisian. Dutch is not understood in France, but Vlaams dialects in Belgium and the Netherlands are understood. Bilingualism in French, some English. Used for informal situations. Speakers are over 50 years old. Speakers view Dutch as a completely different, friendly language. Speakers in France are called 'Vlamingen', the language called 'Vlaemsch'. Speakers sometimes refer to Dutch as 'Vlaams.' Dictionary. SOV. Different orthographies used in the 3 countries. Christian. Also spoken in: Netherlands. (Language name: VLAAMS.) Population: 222,000, or 60% of the 370,000 inhabitants of Zeeland in the Netherlands (1998 U. of Ghent). Alternate names: FLAMAND, FLEMISH. Dialects: ZEEUWS (ZEAWS), WEST VLAAMS, FRANS VLAAMS (VLAEMSCH). Comments: Close to Dutch, English, Frisian. Subdialects of Zeeuws include: Goerees, Flakkees, Schouws, Duvelands, Fluplands, Bevelands, Walchers, Axels, Kezands. Speakers have difficulty understanding nearby Brabant dialect of Dutch. Bilingualism in Dutch, English, German. Used for informal situations. Varies locally from all ages to over 40. Speakers have Vlaams as first and sometimes only language. 50,000 speak it as second language. Speakers sometimes refer to Dutch as 'Vlaams'. They view Dutch as the language of trade, tourism, school. Dictionary. SOV. Literacy rate in second language: 99% Dutch. There is a magazine, drama, folk music. Christian.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 8297-8329
(instance VlaamsLanguage LowFranconianLanguage) Languages.kif 8296-8296

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage VlaamsLanguage "vlaams语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61845-61845
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage VlaamsLanguage "vlaams語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61844-61844
(termFormat EnglishLanguage VlaamsLanguage "vlaams language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61843-61843

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