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Sigma KEE - VelocityFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation VelocityFn ChineseLanguage "这个函数指出一个物体的速度,也就是说速率和速率的方向。 例如: (VelocityFn (MeasureFn 55 Mile) (MeasureFn 2 HourDuration) ?REFERENCE North)表示从一个预定的坐标 ?REFERENCE 以每小时55英里的速度向北移动。") chinese_format.kif 2486-2489
(documentation VelocityFn EnglishLanguage "Specifies the velocity of an object, i.e. the speed and the direction of the speed. For example (VelocityFn (MeasureFn 55 Mile) (MeasureFn 2 HourDuration) ?REFERENCE North) denotes the velocity of 55 miles per hour North of the given reference point ?REFERENCE.") Merge.kif 6669-6672
(documentation VelocityFn JapaneseLanguage "オブジェクトの速度、つまり速度と速度の方向を指定す る。 例:(VelocityFn (MeasureFn 55 Mile)(MeasureFn 2 HourDuration) ?REFERENCE North) は、所定の基準点 ?REFERENCEの北で時速55マイルの速度を示す。") japanese_format.kif 1181-1183
(domain VelocityFn 1 LengthMeasure) Merge.kif 6663-6663
(domain VelocityFn 2 TimeDuration) Merge.kif 6664-6664
(domain VelocityFn 3 Region) Merge.kif 6665-6665
(domain VelocityFn 4 DirectionalAttribute) Merge.kif 6666-6666
(instance VelocityFn QuaternaryFunction) Merge.kif 6661-6661
(instance VelocityFn TotalValuedRelation) Merge.kif 6662-6662
(range VelocityFn FunctionQuantity) Merge.kif 6667-6667

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage VelocityFn "%1 除以 %2 在 %3 处往 %4 方向") chinese_format.kif 661-661
(format EnglishLanguage VelocityFn "%1 per %2 in %3 in the direction %4") english_format.kif 664-664
(format FrenchLanguage VelocityFn "%1 par %2 en %3 dans la direction %4") french_format.kif 397-397
(format ItalianLanguage VelocityFn "%1 per %2 in %3 in direzione %4") relations-it.txt 310-310
(format JapaneseLanguage VelocityFn "方向 %4 の %3 分の %2 per 1") japanese_format.kif 2127-2127
(format PortugueseLanguage VelocityFn "%1 por %2 %3 na direcao %4") portuguese_format.kif 349-349
(format de VelocityFn "%1 pro &2 in %3 in der Richtung %4") relations-de.txt 864-864
(format hi VelocityFn "%4 kii dishaa men %3 men %1 prati %2") relations-hindi.txt 345-345
(format ro VelocityFn "%1 per%t{pe} %2 în %3 în direcþia %4") relations-ro.kif 419-419
(format sv VelocityFn "%1 per %2 i %3 i riktning %4") relations-sv.txt 440-440
(format tg VelocityFn "%1 bawa't %2 ng %3 sa ang banda %4") relations-tg.txt 502-502
(termFormat ChineseLanguage VelocityFn "速度") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61479-61479
(termFormat ChineseLanguage VelocityFn "速度函数") chinese_format.kif 662-662
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage VelocityFn "速度") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61478-61478
(termFormat EnglishLanguage VelocityFn "velocity") domainEnglishFormat.kif 61477-61477


        (instance ?PLACE Object)
        (instance ?BLOW Wind)
        (measure ?BLOW
            (VelocityFn ?DIST ?TIME ?PLACE ?DIRECTION)))
    (surfaceWindVelocity ?PLACE
        (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME) ?DIRECTION))
Weather.kif 125-130
        (instance ?ZEPHYR WindFlow)
        (measure ?ZEPHYR
            (VelocityFn ?DIST ?TIME ?PLACE ?DIR-TOWARD))
        (oppositeDirection ?DIR-TOWARD ?DIR-FROM))
    (surfaceWindDirection ?PLACE ?DIR-FROM))
Weather.kif 182-187
            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (VelocityFn ?LENGTH ?TIME ?REGION ?DIRECTION))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (measure ?PART
        (VelocityFn ?LENGTH ?TIME ?REGION ?DIRECTION)))
Geography.kif 4887-4891
    (measure ?OBJECT
        (VelocityFn ?DISTANCE ?TIME ?REF ?DIRECTION))
    (measure ?OBJECT
        (SpeedFn ?DISTANCE ?TIME)))
Merge.kif 6674-6676


            (FlowFn ?FLUID)
            (VelocityFn ?LENGTH ?TIME ?REGION ?DIRECTION))
        (piece ?PART ?FLUID))
    (measure ?PART
        (VelocityFn ?LENGTH ?TIME ?REGION ?DIRECTION)))
Geography.kif 4887-4891
        (surfaceWindVelocity ?PLACE
            (SpeedFn ?DIST ?TIME) ?DIRECTION)
        (instance ?PLACE WindFlow))
    (exists (?BLOW)
            (instance ?BLOW Wind)
            (eventPartlyLocated ?BLOW ?PLACE)
            (measure ?BLOW
                (VelocityFn ?DIST ?TIME ?PLACE ?DIRECTION)))))
Weather.kif 115-123

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