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Sigma KEE - Tornado

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Tornado ChineseLanguage "Tornado 是一团从积雨云底部延伸到地面, 快速旋转的空气 Air。") Weather.kif 1629-1630
(documentation Tornado EnglishLanguage "A Tornado is a rapidly rotating column of Air which extends from the Cloud base of a cumulonimbus to the ground.") Weather.kif 1627-1628
(externalImage Tornado " pictures/ tornado_1884.png") pictureList.kif 789-789
(subclass Tornado CyclonicStorm) Weather.kif 1632-1632
(subclass Tornado Storm) Weather.kif 1631-1631

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage Tornado "龙卷风") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58474-58474
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Tornado "龍捲風") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58473-58473
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Tornado "tornado") domainEnglishFormat.kif 58472-58472


        (instance ?T Tornado)
        (instance ?EF EF5)
        (eventLocated ?T ?AREA)
        (believes ?A
            (property ?T ?EF)))
    (exists (?GUST)
            (greaterThan ?GUST 200.0)
            (believes ?A
                    (MeasureFn ?GUST MilesPerHour)
                    (ThreeSecondGustSpeedFn ?AREA
                        (WhenFn ?T)))))))
Weather.kif 2174-2188
        (instance ?T Tornado)
        (instance ?EF EFScaleAttribute)
        (eventLocated ?T ?AREA)
        (believes ?A
            (property ?T ?EF))
        (speedScaleAttributeMinMax ?EF
            (MeasureFn ?MIN MilesPerHour)
            (MeasureFn ?MAX MilesPerHour)))
    (exists (?GUST)
            (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?GUST ?MIN)
            (lessThanOrEqualTo ?GUST ?MAX)
            (believes ?A
                    (MeasureFn ?GUST MilesPerHour)
                    (ThreeSecondGustSpeedFn ?AREA
                        (WhenFn ?T)))))))
Weather.kif 2079-2097
        (instance ?T Tornado)
        (instance ?R Rotating)
        (instance ?A Air)
        (instance ?TRAN Translocation)
        (subProcess ?R ?T)
        (subProcess ?TRAN ?R)
        (patient ?TRAN ?A)
        (direction ?TRAN Horizontal))
    (exists (?G ?FUNNEL ?TOP ?BOTTOM ?C ?BASE)
            (instance ?G GeographicArea)
            (eventLocated ?T ?G)
            (part ?FUNNEL ?A)
            (attribute ?FUNNEL ConeSegment)
            (top ?TOP ?FUNNEL)
            (bottom ?BOTTOM ?FUNNEL)
            (instance ?C Cloud)
            (bottom ?BASE ?C)
            (meetsSpatially ?TOP ?BASE)
            (meetsSpatially ?BOTTOM ?G))))
Weather.kif 1634-1655


        (instance ?EF EFScaleAttribute)
        (property ?T ?EF))
    (instance ?T Tornado))
Weather.kif 2073-2077
    (instance ?TD TornadoDamage)
    (exists (?T ?D)
            (instance ?T Tornado)
            (instance ?D Damaging)
            (causes ?T ?D)
            (patient ?D ?TD))))
Weather.kif 2053-2060

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