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Sigma KEE - PlantFn

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation PlantFn EnglishLanguage "This function denotes the class of Plant of a given PlantAnatomicalStructure, such as Seed or Flower or FruitOrVegetable.") Food.kif 3354-3355
(domainSubclass PlantFn 1 PlantAnatomicalStructure) Food.kif 3352-3352
(instance PlantFn UnaryFunction) Food.kif 3351-3351
(rangeSubclass PlantFn Plant) Food.kif 3353-3353

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat EnglishLanguage PlantFn "plant fn") Food.kif 3356-3356


    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Apple))
    (subclass ?P DeciduousTree))
Food.kif 2184-2186
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Basil))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2170-2172
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Blueberry))
    (subclass ?P Shrub))
Food.kif 2210-2212
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Broccoli))
    (subclass ?P CabbagePlant))
Food.kif 2396-2398
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn ButternutSquash))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2403-2405
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn CashewNut))
    (subclass ?P BotanicalTree))
Food.kif 2421-2423
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Celery))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2427-2429
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Cilantro))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2529-2531
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Garlic))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2584-2586
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Mint))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2672-2674
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Mustard))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2696-2698
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Parsley))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 2733-2735
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Scallion))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 3360-3362
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Sesame))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 3397-3399
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn Strawberry))
    (subclass ?P HerbaceousPlant))
Food.kif 3483-3485
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn TamarindFruit))
    (subclass ?P BotanicalTree))
Food.kif 3489-3491
    (equal ?P
        (PlantFn WineGrape))
    (subclass ?P GrapeVine))
Economy.kif 4847-4850
    (equal ?X
        (PlantFn CommonWheatGrain))
    (subclass ?X CommonWheatGrass))
Economy.kif 4181-4184
    (equal ?X
        (PlantFn DurumWheatGrain))
    (subclass ?X DurumWheatGrass))
Economy.kif 4191-4194
    (equal ?X
        (PlantFn EinkornWheatGrain))
    (subclass ?X EinkornWheatGrass))
Economy.kif 4211-4214
    (equal ?X
        (PlantFn EmmerWheatGrain))
    (subclass ?X EmmerWheatGrass))
Economy.kif 4201-4204
    (equal ?X
        (PlantFn SpeltWheatGrain))
    (subclass ?X SpeltWheatGrass))
Economy.kif 4222-4225
    (instance ?P
        (PlantFn CoffeeArabica))
    (instance ?P CoffeaArabica))
Economy.kif 4756-4758
    (instance ?P
        (PlantFn CoffeeRobusta))
    (instance ?P CoffeaRobusta))
Economy.kif 4780-4782

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