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Sigma KEE - ObjectAttitude

appearance as argument number 1

(disjoint ObjectAttitude PropositionalAttitude) Merge.kif 2710-2710
(documentation ObjectAttitude ChineseLanguage "这是一个 IntentionalRelation Class,它的 AgentPhysical 的实例有认知。") chinese_format.kif 1927-1928
(documentation ObjectAttitude EnglishLanguage "The Class of IntentionalRelations where the AutonomousAgent has awareness of an instance of Physical.") Merge.kif 2712-2713
(documentation ObjectAttitude JapaneseLanguage "AgentPhysical のインスタンスを認識 している IntentionalRelationClass。") japanese_format.kif 554-555
(subclass ObjectAttitude InheritableRelation) Merge.kif 2709-2709
(subclass ObjectAttitude IntentionalRelation) Merge.kif 2708-2708

appearance as argument number 2

(instance dislikes ObjectAttitude) Mid-level-ontology.kif 7447-7447
(instance enemy ObjectAttitude) MilitaryProcesses.kif 2449-2449
(instance needs ObjectAttitude) Merge.kif 2748-2748
(instance wants ObjectAttitude) Merge.kif 2761-2761
(termFormat ChineseLanguage ObjectAttitude "对象态度") chinese_format.kif 909-909
(termFormat EnglishLanguage ObjectAttitude "object attitude") english_format.kif 1025-1025
(termFormat FrenchLanguage ObjectAttitude "attitude d'objet") french_format.kif 585-585
(termFormat Hindi ObjectAttitude "vastu abhivQtti") terms-hindi.txt 115-115
(termFormat ItalianLanguage ObjectAttitude "AtteggiamentoOggettuale") terms-it.txt 118-118
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage ObjectAttitude "対象物姿勢") japanese_format.kif 2270-2270
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage ObjectAttitude "Atitude em relacao a um Objeto") portuguese_format.kif 537-537
(termFormat cz ObjectAttitude "object attitude") terms-cz.txt 152-152
(termFormat ro ObjectAttitude "atitudine obiectualã") relations-ro.kif 606-606
(termFormat tg ObjectAttitude "pakikitungo") terms-tg.txt 119-119


        (instance ?REL ObjectAttitude)
        (?REL ?AGENT ?THING))
    (instance ?THING Physical))
Merge.kif 2715-2719

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