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Sigma KEE - Measuring

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Measuring ChineseLanguage "这是 Calculating ProcessClass,它的目的是 决定 patient 在某些方面的 PhysicalQuantity。") chinese_format.kif 3133-3134
(documentation Measuring EnglishLanguage "The Class of Calculating Processes where the aim is to determine the PhysicalQuantity of some aspect of the patient.") Merge.kif 12165-12166
(subclass Measuring Calculating) Merge.kif 12164-12164

appearance as argument number 2

(rangeSubclass MeasuringProcessFn Measuring) Medicine.kif 6322-6322
(subclass SurfaceWindSpeedMeasuring Measuring) Weather.kif 1713-1713
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Measuring "测量") chinese_format.kif 1150-1150
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Measuring "measuring") english_format.kif 1517-1517
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Measuring "mesurer") french_format.kif 828-828
(termFormat Hindi Measuring "maapana") terms-hindi.txt 360-360
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Measuring "Misurare") terms-it.txt 363-363
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Measuring "計測") japanese_format.kif 2512-2512
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Measuring "Medir") portuguese_format.kif 780-780
(termFormat cb Measuring "pagsukod") terms-cb.txt 365-365
(termFormat cz Measuring "measuring") terms-cz.txt 399-399
(termFormat ro Measuring "mãsurare") relations-ro.kif 849-849
(termFormat tg Measuring "sukatin") terms-tg.txt 364-364


        (instance ?A AntibodyCOVIDTest)
        (instrument ?M ?A)
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (patient ?M ?H)
        (instance ?CA COVIDAntibody)
        (part ?CA ?H))
        (knows ?H
            (exists (?CA)
                    (instance ?CA COVIDAntibody)
                    (part ?CA ?H)))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 2763-2777
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (instrument ?M ?PO)
        (agent ?M ?A)
        (patient ?M ?P)
        (instance ?PO PulseOximeter))
    (exists (?N)
        (knows ?A
            (oxygenSaturation ?P ?N))))
Medicine.kif 1260-1269
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (instrument ?M ?R)
        (instance ?R RTPCRTest))
    (exists (?E)
            (instance ?E RadiatingLight)
            (origin ?E ?R))))
Medicine.kif 1589-1597
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (result ?M ?Q)
        (instrument ?M ?C)
        (instance ?C Clock))
    (instance ?Q TimeMeasure))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2879-2885
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (result ?M ?Q)
        (instrument ?M ?T)
        (instance ?T Thermometer))
    (instance ?Q TemperatureMeasure))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2915-2921
        (instance ?MEAS Measuring)
        (agent ?MEAS ?AGENT)
        (patient ?MEAS ?OBJ))
    (exists (?QUANT ?UNIT)
                (WhenFn ?MEAS))
            (knows ?AGENT
                (measure ?OBJ
                    (MeasureFn ?QUANT ?UNIT))))))
Merge.kif 12168-12175
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (patient ?MEASURE ?OBJ)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?ABSOLUTEMETER)
        (instance ?ABSOLUTEMETER AbsoluteAltimeter))
    (exists (?OBJ2)
            (altitude ?OBJ ?OBJ2 ?QUANTITY)
            (surface ?OBJ2 PlanetEarth))))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1441-1451
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (patient ?MEASURE ?OBJ)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?BAROMETER)
        (instance ?BAROMETER BarometricAltimeter))
    (altitude ?OBJ SeaLevel ?QUANTITY))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1477-1484
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (patient ?MEASURE ?OBJ)
        (surface ?OBJ PlanetEarth)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?BAROMETER)
        (instance ?BAROMETER BarometricAltimeter))
    (elevation ?OBJ ?QUANTITY))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1488-1496
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?ALTIMETER)
        (instance ?ALTIMETER Altimeter))
    (instance ?QUANTITY AltitudeMeasure))
MilitaryDevices.kif 1426-1432
        (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
        (result ?MEASURE ?QUANTITY)
        (instrument ?MEASURE ?THERMOMETER)
        (instance ?THERMOMETER Thermometer))
    (instance ?QUANTITY TemperatureMeasure))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 2903-2909


        (instance ?LIST MeasuringList)
        (inList ?M ?LIST))
    (instance ?M Measuring))
Weather.kif 1699-1703
        (locationMeasuringList ?LIST ?PLACE)
        (inList ?M ?LIST))
        (instance ?M Measuring)
        (eventLocated ?M ?PLACE)))
Weather.kif 1752-1758
    (instance ?AC AlarmClock)
    (hasPurpose ?AC
        (exists (?TIME ?M ?Q)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (agent ?M ?AC)
                (result ?M ?Q)
                (equal ?Q ?TIME)
                    (WhenFn ?M)
                    (exists (?S)
                            (instance ?S RadiatingSound)
                            (agent ?S ?AC))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 25587-25601
    (instance ?DEVICE MeasuringDevice)
    (hasPurpose ?DEVICE
        (exists (?MEASURE)
                (instance ?MEASURE Measuring)
                (instrument ?MEASURE ?DEVICE)))))
Merge.kif 16076-16082
    (instance ?FG FeelerGauge)
    (hasPurpose ?FG
        (exists (?TP ?M)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (instance ?TP TactilePerception)
                (subProcess ?TP ?M)
                (instrument ?M ?FG)))))
Cars.kif 2779-2787
    (instance ?H Hydrometer)
    (hasPurpose ?H
        (exists (?M ?S)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (instance ?S Substance)
                (attribute ?S Liquid)
                (patient ?M ?S)
                (instrument ?M ?H)))))
Cars.kif 3034-3043
    (instance ?MAS MassAirflowSensor)
    (hasPurpose ?MAS
        (exists (?T ?M ?A)
                (instance ?T Transfer)
                (instance ?A Air)
                (patient ?T ?A)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (patient ?M ?A)
                (instrument ?M ?MAS)))))
Cars.kif 3288-3298
    (instance ?OS OxygenSensor)
    (hasPurpose ?OS
        (exists (?O ?M)
                (instance ?O Oxygen)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (patient ?M ?O)
                (instrument ?M ?OS)))))
Cars.kif 3325-3333
    (instance ?PO PulseOximeter)
    (hasPurpose ?PO
        (exists (?M ?A ?P)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (instrument ?M ?PO)
                (agent ?M ?A)
                (patient ?M ?P)
                (instance ?PO PulseOximeter)))))
Medicine.kif 1271-1280
    (instance ?R RTPCRTest)
    (hasPurpose ?R
        (exists (?M ?A ?T ?MEAS)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (patient ?M ?RNA)
                (instance ?RNA RNAMolecule)
                (holdsDuring ?T
                    (measure ?RNA ?MEAS))
                (knows ?A
                    (holdsDuring ?T
                        (measure ?RNA ?MEAS)))))))
Medicine.kif 1575-1587
    (instance ?T Tachometer)
    (hasPurpose ?T
        (exists (?R ?M ?O)
                (instance ?R Rotating)
                (patient ?R ?O)
                (instance ?M Measuring)
                (instrument ?M ?T)
                (patient ?M ?O)))))
Cars.kif 4004-4013

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