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Sigma KEE - Injecting

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Injecting ChineseLanguage "这是用注射器把一样 BiologicallyActiveSubstance Inserting 进一个 AnimalHuman 体内。") chinese_format.kif 3040-3041
(documentation Injecting EnglishLanguage "Inserting a BiologicallyActiveSubstance into an Animal or a Human with a syringe.") Merge.kif 11491-11492
(documentation Injecting JapaneseLanguage "Animal または注射器を持つ HumanBiologicallyActiveSubstanceInserting 。") japanese_format.kif 1808-1809
(externalImage Injecting " f/ fb/ Injection_23.JPG") pictureList.kif 4734-4734
(subclass Injecting Inserting) Merge.kif 11489-11489

appearance as argument number 2

(biochemicalAgentDelivery BacillusAnthracis Injecting) WMD.kif 283-283
(biochemicalAgentDelivery BurkholderiaMallei Injecting) WMD.kif 357-357
(biochemicalAgentDelivery BurkholderiaPseudomallei Injecting) WMD.kif 373-373
(biochemicalAgentDelivery ClostridiumTetani Injecting) WMD.kif 1507-1507
(biochemicalAgentDelivery CrimeanCongoHemorrhagicFeverVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1921-1921
(biochemicalAgentDelivery DengueFeverVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1641-1641
(biochemicalAgentDelivery EasternEquineEncephalitisVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1690-1690
(biochemicalAgentDelivery HepatitisAVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1783-1783
(biochemicalAgentDelivery HepatitisBVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1795-1795
(biochemicalAgentDelivery HepatitisCVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1806-1806
(biochemicalAgentDelivery JapaneseEncephalitisVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1704-1704
(biochemicalAgentDelivery LaCrosseVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1661-1661
(biochemicalAgentDelivery MalarialPlasmodium Injecting) WMD.kif 1616-1616
(biochemicalAgentDelivery MarburgVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1736-1736
(biochemicalAgentDelivery MonkeypoxVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1234-1234
(biochemicalAgentDelivery SaintLouisEncephalitisVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1675-1675
(biochemicalAgentDelivery TickBorneEncephalitisVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 2025-2025
(biochemicalAgentDelivery WestNileVirus Injecting) WMD.kif 1628-1628
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Injecting "注射") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30180-30180
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Injecting "注射") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30179-30179
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Injecting "injecting") domainEnglishFormat.kif 30178-30178

appearance as argument number 3

(biochemicalAgentAntidote NerveAgent Atropine Injecting) WMD.kif 561-561
(diseaseMedicine Ondansetron Nausea Injecting) Medicine.kif 5074-5074
(diseaseMedicine Ondansetron Vomiting Injecting) Medicine.kif 5076-5076
(diseaseMedicine RheumatoidArthritis Clarithromycin Injecting) Medicine.kif 3612-3612
(diseaseMedicine RheumatoidArthritis Sarilumab Injecting) Medicine.kif 5257-5257


        (instance ?I Injecting)
        (instance ?A Adalimumab)
        (objectTransferred ?I ?A)
        (located ?I ?BP)
        (instance ?BP BodyPart)
        (destination ?I ?H))
        (exists (?T)
                (holdsDuring ?T
                    (attribute ?H
                        (PainFn ?BP)))
                (during ?T
                        (WhenFn ?I))))) Likely))
Medicine.kif 3616-3632
    (instance ?INJECT Injecting)
    (exists (?SUBSTANCE ?ANIMAL)
            (patient ?INJECT ?SUBSTANCE)
            (instance ?SUBSTANCE BiologicallyActiveSubstance)
            (attribute ?SUBSTANCE Liquid)
            (destination ?INJECT ?ANIMAL)
            (instance ?ANIMAL Animal))))
Merge.kif 11494-11502


    (holdsDuring ?T
            (attribute ?H InfectiousDisease)
            (attribute ?H Diabetes)
            (attribute ?H
                (ImpairedBodyPartFn Foot))))
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (diseaseMedicine InfectiousDisease Ertapenem Injecting)))
Medicine.kif 1362-1369
    (instance ?A InjectedAntibiotic)
    (hasPurpose ?A
        (exists (?I)
                (instance ?I Injecting)
                (objectTransferred ?I ?A)))))
Medicine.kif 1335-1341
    (instance ?EP EpiPen)
    (hasPurpose ?EP
        (exists (?I ?H ?A)
                (instance ?I Injecting)
                (instrument ?I ?EP)
                (destination ?I ?H)
                (experiencer ?A ?H)
                (instance ?A Anaphylaxis)
                    (WhenFn ?I)
                    (WhenFn ?A))))))
Medicine.kif 6362-6374
    (instance ?EP EpiPen)
    (hasPurpose ?EP
        (exists (?I)
                (instance ?I Injecting)
                (instrument ?I ?EP)))))
Medicine.kif 6354-6360

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