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(documentation GermanLanguage EnglishLanguage "A Germanic language that is spoken primarily in Germany and Austria.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 15006-15007
(documentation GermanLanguage EnglishLanguage "The GermanLanguage is an EastMiddleGermanLanguage of Germany. SIL code: GER. ISO 639-1: de. ISO 639-2(B): ger. ISO 639-2(T): deu. Population: 75,300,000 in Germany (1990). Population total all countries 100,000,000 first language speakers (1999 WA), 128,000,000 including second language speakers (1999 WA). Region: Also spoken in 40 other countries including Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Czech Republic, Denmark, Ecuador, Estonia, Finland, France, Hungary, Italy, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan. Alternate names: DEUTSCH, HOCHDEUTSCH, HIGH GERMAN. Dialects: ERZGEBIRGISCH. Comments: Major related language areas are Bavarian, Schwabisch, Allemannisch, Mainfrankisch, Hessisch, Palatinian, Rheinfrankisch, Westfalisch, Saxonian, Thuringian, Brandenburgisch, and Low Saxon. Many varieties are not inherently intelligible with each other. Our present treatment in this edition is incomplete. Standard German is one High German variety, which developed from the chancery of Saxony, gaining acceptance as the written standard in the 16th and 17th centuries. High German refers to dialects and languages in the upper Rhine region. 60% lexical similarity with English, 29% with French. National language. Dictionary. Grammar. Poetry, newspapers, radio programs, films, TV, videos. Christian. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Austria. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 7,500,000 in Austria (J.A. Hawkins in B. Comrie 1987), 98% of the population (1990 WA). Comments: National language. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Belgium. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 150,000 in Belgium (J.A. Hawkins in B. Comrie 1988), 1.5% of the population. Comments: Official language. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Czech Republic. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 50,000 in Czech Republic (1998). Dialects: ERZGEBIRGISCH. Comments: Bilingualism in Czech. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Denmark. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 23,000 first language speakers (1976 Stephens). Comments: There are German schools. Official language. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Hungary. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 250,000 in Hungary (J.A. Hawkins in B. Comrie 1988) .5% of the population. Comments: Germans in Hungary speak other Germanic varieties than Standard German at home. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Italy. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 225,000 in Italy (N. Vincent in B. Comrie 1987). Comments: German used in schools. Official language. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Kazakhstan. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 958,000 in Kazakhstan excluding Plautdietsch. 57% of ethnic Germans speak it as mother tongue. Comments: Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Liechtenstein. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Comments: German dialects vary. National language. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Luxembourg. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 9,200 or more (1993 Johnstone). Comments: Used as a second language by industrial workers and rural people. Taught in school as a second language. National language. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Paraguay. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 166,000 in Paraguay including 19,000 who are also mother tongue speakers of Plautdietsch. Comments: Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Poland. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 500,000 in Poland (1998). Comments: Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Romania. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 150,000 in Romania (1993). Dialects: TRANSYLVANIA. Comments: Over 70% of the 500,000 1988 population has emigrated to Germany since 1988 (1993 Johnstone). The people are known as 'Saxons.' Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Slovakia. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Population: 5,900 in Czech Republic (1991 census) to 15,000 (1999). Comments: Bilingualism in Slovakian, Hungarian. Christian. Bible 1466-1982. Also spoken in: Switzerland. (Language name: GERMAN, STANDARD.) Comments: Not used as mother tongue by many. Official language. Main language used in education in Schwyzerdutsch- (German) and Rheto-Romansch-speaking areas. Bible 1466-1982.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 7744-7800
(externalImage GermanLanguage " 1/ 1a/ Flag_of_South_Tyrol.png") pictureList.kif 7014-7014
(externalImage GermanLanguage " 4/ 44/ KrahuleWappen.gif") pictureList.kif 6596-6596
(externalImage GermanLanguage " 4/ 49/ Knowledge_German_EU_map.png") pictureList.kif 7015-7015
(externalImage GermanLanguage " 5/ 5b/ Continental_West_Germanic_languages.png") pictureList.kif 7016-7016
(externalImage GermanLanguage " 6/ 6c/ DeutschsprachigeWelt.png") pictureList.kif 7017-7017
(externalImage GermanLanguage " 9/ 97/ German_dialectal_map.PNG") pictureList.kif 7018-7018
(externalImage GermanLanguage " a/ a3/ Deutsche_Mundarten.PNG") pictureList.kif 7019-7019
(externalImage GermanLanguage " c/ c9/ NamibiaDeutscheSprache.jpg") pictureList.kif 7013-7013
(externalImage GermanLanguage " d/ d0/ DeutschesSprachgebiet962.png") pictureList.kif 7020-7020
(instance GermanLanguage EastMiddleGermanLanguage) Languages.kif 7743-7743
(instance GermanLanguage NaturalLanguage) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15005-15005
(instance GermanLanguage SpokenHumanLanguage) Mid-level-ontology.kif 15004-15004
(termFormat GermanLanguage Anger "wut") emotion.kif 967-967
(termFormat GermanLanguage Anxiety "besorgnis") emotion.kif 1178-1178
(termFormat GermanLanguage Compassion "mitgefühl") emotion.kif 1009-1009
(termFormat GermanLanguage Contempt "verachtung") emotion.kif 733-733
(termFormat GermanLanguage Contentment "zufriedenheit") emotion.kif 892-892
(termFormat GermanLanguage Despair "verzweiflung") emotion.kif 933-933
(termFormat GermanLanguage Disappointment "enttäuschung") emotion.kif 947-947
(termFormat GermanLanguage Disgust "ekel") emotion.kif 837-837
(termFormat GermanLanguage Guilt "schuld") emotion.kif 1078-1078
(termFormat GermanLanguage Happiness "glück") emotion.kif 814-814
(termFormat GermanLanguage Hate "hass") emotion.kif 1039-1039

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(termFormat ChineseLanguage GermanLanguage "德国的语言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25896-25896
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage GermanLanguage "德國的語言") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25895-25895
(termFormat EnglishLanguage GermanLanguage "german language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 25894-25894

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO-639-1 "de" GermanLanguage) Languages.kif 14722-14722

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