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Sigma KEE - DutchLanguage
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(documentation DutchLanguage EnglishLanguage "The DutchLanguage is a LowFranconianLanguage of the Netherlands. SIL code: DUT. ISO 639-1: nl. ISO 639-2(B): dut. ISO 639-2(T): nld. Population: 13,400,000 in the Netherlands (1976 WA). Population total all countries: 20,000,000 or more (1988 J.G. Kooij in B. Comrie). Region: Also spoken in: Aruba, Australia, Belgium, Canada, France, Germany, Indonesia, Israel, Netherlands Antilles, Philippines, Suriname, UAE, USA. Alternate names: NEDERLANDS, HOLLANDS. Dialects: BREDAS, VENLOS. Comments: The name 'Dutch' is resented by some speakers. National language. Dictionary. Grammar. SOV. Bible 1522-1988. Also spoken in: Aruba. (Language name: DUTCH.) Comments: It is decreasing in importance. Official language. Bible 1522-1988. Also spoken in: Belgium. (Language name: DUTCH.) Population: 4,620,150 in Belgium (1990 WA). Alternate names: NEDERLANDS. Dialects: BRABANTS, OOST_VLAAMS. Comments: The variety of Dutch (not Vlaams) spoken in Belgium is only slightly different from the variety spoken in the Netherlands. Called 'Vlaams' in Belgium, even though it is different from the (West) Vlaams spoken there. In the Dutch linguistic area there are minority rights for French_speaking persons in Drogenbos, Kraainem, Linkebeek, Sint_Genesius_Rode, Wemmel, Wezembeek_Oppem, Mesen, Spiere_Helkijn, Ronse, Bever, Herstappe, Voeren. Official language. Radio programs, TV. Bible 1522-1988. Also spoken in: France. (Language name: DUTCH.) Population: 80,000 in Westhoek. Comments: Not used in schools. Usage is reported to be diminishing. Bible 1522-1988. Also spoken in: Netherlands Antilles. (Language name: DUTCH.) Comments: It is decreasing in importance. Official language. Bible 1522-1988. Also spoken in: Suriname. (Language name: DUTCH.) Population: 200,000 mother tongue speakers in Suriname (1997 Christa DeKleine), many of whom are native bilingual speakers with Sranan or Sarnami Hindustani. Comments: National language. Bible 1522-1992.(extract from http:/ / )") Languages.kif 8268-8293
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 3/ 3f/ Bilingual_street_sign_Brussels.jpg") pictureList.kif 5970-5970
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 4/ 4d/ Panneau_Blyde_River.jpg") pictureList.kif 6405-6405
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 5/ 5f/ South_America.png") pictureList.kif 6411-6411
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 6/ 69/ Akrenbos.JPG") pictureList.kif 6406-6406
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 8/ 87/ Beware_of_hippopotamus.jpg") pictureList.kif 6407-6407
(externalImage DutchLanguage " c/ cc/ Map_Dutch_World_nou.png") pictureList.kif 6412-6412
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 02/ Langbel.jpg") pictureList.kif 6408-6408
(externalImage DutchLanguage " 47/ Languagesbelgium.jpg") pictureList.kif 6409-6409
(instance DutchLanguage LowFranconianLanguage) Languages.kif 8267-8267

appearance as argument number 2

(termFormat ChineseLanguage DutchLanguage "荷兰语") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20753-20753
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage DutchLanguage "荷蘭語") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20752-20752
(termFormat EnglishLanguage DutchLanguage "dutch language") domainEnglishFormat.kif 20751-20751

appearance as argument number 3

(codeMapping ISO_639_1 "nl" DutchLanguage) Languages.kif 14723-14723

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