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Sigma KEE - Christian

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Christian EnglishLanguage "A Christian is one who subscribes to the beliefs of Christianity.") People.kif 792-793
(externalImage Christian " miscellany/ christian.png") pictureList.kif 341-341
(subclass Christian ReligiousAttribute) People.kif 791-791

appearance as argument number 2

(instance Adventist Christian) People.kif 1188-1188
(instance Anglican Christian) People.kif 1221-1221
(instance Baptist Christian) People.kif 1194-1194
(instance EasternOrthodoxChristian Christian) People.kif 1243-1243
(instance Episcopalian Christian) People.kif 1191-1191
(instance Lutheran Christian) People.kif 1200-1200
(instance Methodist Christian) People.kif 1203-1203
(instance Mormon Christian) People.kif 1185-1185
(instance Pentecostal Christian) People.kif 1197-1197
(instance Presbyterian Christian) People.kif 1206-1206
(instance Protestant Christian) People.kif 1257-1257
(instance RomanCatholic Christian) People.kif 1271-1271
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Christian "基督教") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14712-14712
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Christian "基督教") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14711-14711
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Christian "christian") domainEnglishFormat.kif 14710-14710


        (attribute ?INDIVIDUAL ?CH)
        (instance ?CH Christian))
    (member ?INDIVIDUAL Christianity))
People.kif 795-799
        (holdsDuring ?H
            (attribute ?A Christian))
        (instance ?H ChristmasDay))
    (observesHoliday ?A ?H))
Media.kif 406-411
        (holdsDuring ?H
            (attribute ?A Christian))
        (instance ?H EasterSunday))
    (observesHoliday ?A ?H))
Media.kif 509-514
        (instance ?T1 ChristianHoliday)
        (holdsDuring ?T1
            (attribute ?A Christian)))
    (observesHoliday ?A ?T1))
Media.kif 269-274


    (musicGenre ?MR ChristianMusic)
    (exists (?X)
            (attribute ?X Christian)
            (refers ?MR ?X))))
Music.kif 647-652

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