Breathing | ![]() |
appearance as argument number 1 |
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(documentation Breathing ChineseLanguage "这是呼吸的 Process,Animal 通过这过程取得氧气。这 包括吸入、呼出氧气和两者的不断交替的过程。") | chinese_format.kif 2906-2907 | |
(documentation Breathing EnglishLanguage "The Process of respiration, by which oxygen is made available to an Animal. This covers processes of inhalation, exhalation, and alternations between the two.") | Merge.kif 10288-10290 | |
(documentation Breathing JapaneseLanguage "呼吸の Process は、酸素が Animal に利用可能に なる。これは、吸入、呼気、およびその2間の交互のプロセスをカバーしている。") | japanese_format.kif 1655-1656 | |
(subclass Breathing AutonomicProcess) | Merge.kif 10286-10286 | |
(subclass Breathing OrganismProcess) | Merge.kif 10285-10285 |
appearance as argument number 2 |
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antecedent |
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(=> (and (instance ?IV InvasiveVentilator) (instance ?B Breathing) (experiencer ?B ?H) (instrument ?B ?IV)) (exists (?IN) (and (instance ?IN Intubation) (destination ?IN ?H) (earlier (WhenFn ?IN) (WhenFn ?B))))) |
Medicine.kif 4093-4105 | |
(=> (and (instance ?T TimePeriod) (duration ?T (MeasureFn ?N MinuteDuration)) (greaterThan ?N 5.0) (instance ?H Human) (not (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (during (WhenFn ?B) ?T) (patient ?B ?H))))) (modalAttribute (exists (?D) (and (instance ?D Death) (experiencer ?D ?H) (meetsTemporally ?T (WhenFn ?D)))) Likely)) |
Medicine.kif 5983-6003 | |
(=> (capability Breathing experiencer ?ANIMAL) (exists (?LUNG) (and (component ?LUNG ?ANIMAL) (instance ?LUNG Lung)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11409-11414 |
consequent |
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(=> (and (instance ?A Asphyxiation) (experiencer ?A ?M)) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?A) (not (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (experiencer ?B ?A)))))) |
Medicine.kif 6288-6297 | |
(=> (and (instance ?C Cricothyroidotomy) (patient ?C ?O)) (hasPurpose ?C (and (holdsDuring (ImmediatePastFn (WhenFn ?C)) (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B (ImpairmentFn Breathing)) (patient ?B ?O)))) (not (holdsDuring (ImmediateFutureFn (WhenFn ?C)) (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B (ImpairmentFn Breathing)) (patient ?B ?O)))))))) |
Medicine.kif 755-773 | |
(=> (and (instance ?I Intubation) (instance ?T Tube) (objectTransferred ?I ?T) (experiencer ?I ?H)) (hasPurpose ?I (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (instrument ?B ?T))))) |
Medicine.kif 4111-4121 | |
(=> (and (instance ?S Strangling) (patient ?S ?V) (instance ?V Human)) (hasPurpose ?S (not (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (agent ?B ?V)))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6531-6541 | |
(=> (attribute ?H Asthma) (exists (?I) (and (instance ?I (ImpairmentFn Breathing)) (experiencer ?I ?H)))) |
Medicine.kif 3405-3411 | |
(=> (attribute ?H ChronicObstructivePulmonaryDisease) (instance ?H (ImpairmentFn Breathing))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 5980-5983 | |
(=> (attribute ?ORGANISM InhalationalAnthrax) (exists (?ANTHRACIS ?BREATHING) (and (instance ?ANTHRACIS BacillusAnthracis) (instance ?BREATHING Breathing) (agent ?BREATHING ?ORGANISM) (patient ?BREATHING ?ANTHRACIS)))) |
WMD.kif 1150-1157 | |
(=> (holdsDuring ?T (and (attribute ?H SleepApnea) (attribute ?H Sleeping))) (exists (?T2 ?B ?B2) (and (during ?T2 ?T) (not (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (during (WhenFn ?B) ?T2) (experiencer ?B ?H)))) (holdsDuring ?T2 (and (instance ?B2 Breathing) (needs ?H ?B2)))))) |
Medicine.kif 4149-4166 | |
(=> (holdsDuring ?T (attribute ?H Pneumothorax)) (exists (?I) (and (instance ?I (ImpairmentFn Breathing)) (patient ?I ?H) (during ?T (WhenFn ?I))))) |
Medicine.kif 800-809 | |
(=> (instance ?NA NasopharyngealAirway) (hasPurpose ?NA (exists (?H ?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (located ?B ?H) (holdsDuring (WhenFn ?B) (attribute ?H Unconscious)) (path ?B ?NA))))) |
Medicine.kif 718-728 | |
(=> (instance ?S Suffocating) (holdsDuring (EndFn (WhenFn ?S)) (exists (?P) (and (experiencer ?S ?P) (not (exists (?B) (and (instance ?B Breathing) (experiencer ?B ?P)))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 18749-18761 | |
(=> (instance ?SCUBA ScubaDiving) (exists (?WATER ?DEVICE ?BREATH) (and (instance ?WATER WaterArea) (orientation ?SCUBA ?WATER Below) (instance ?DEVICE Device) (instance ?BREATH Breathing) (instrument ?BREATH ?DEVICE) (subProcess ?BREATH ?SCUBA)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 27198-27207 | |
(=> (instance ?SMOKING Smoking) (exists (?BURN ?CIGAR ?BREATHE ?SMOKE) (and (subProcess ?BURN ?SMOKING) (instance ?BURN Combustion) (resource ?BURN ?CIGAR) (instance ?CIGAR CigarOrCigarette) (result ?BURN ?SMOKE) (patient ?BREATHE ?SMOKE) (instance ?BREATHE Breathing) (subProcess ?BREATHE ?SMOKING)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 16321-16332 |
statement |
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(subclass BreathingDifficulty (ImpairmentFn Breathing)) |
Medicine.kif 2025-2025 | |
(subclass Choking (ImpairmentFn Breathing)) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11966-11966 |
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