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Sigma KEE - lengthOfUnpavedHighway

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation lengthOfUnpavedHighway EnglishLanguage "(lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA ?LENGTH) means that the total length of UnsurfacedRoadway in the GeographicArea ?AREA is ?LENGTH.") Transportation.kif 597-599
(domain lengthOfUnpavedHighway 1 GeographicArea) Transportation.kif 595-595 Le nombre 1 argument de lengthOfUnpavedHighway est une instance de secteur g�ographique
(domain lengthOfUnpavedHighway 2 LengthMeasure) Transportation.kif 596-596 Le nombre 2 argument de lengthOfUnpavedHighway est une instance de mesure de longueur
(instance lengthOfUnpavedHighway BinaryPredicate) Transportation.kif 594-594 lengthOfUnpavedHighway est une instance de pr�dicat binaire

appearance as argument number 2

(format ChineseLanguage lengthOfUnpavedHighway "%2 %n 是 %1 的未铺设高速公路 length ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1523-1523
(format ChineseTraditionalLanguage lengthOfUnpavedHighway "%2 %n 是 %1 的未鋪設高速公路 length ") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1522-1522
(format EnglishLanguage lengthOfUnpavedHighway "%2 is %n a length of unpaved highway of %1") domainEnglishFormat.kif 1521-1521
(termFormat ChineseLanguage lengthOfUnpavedHighway "未铺砌的公路的长度") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34043-34043
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage lengthOfUnpavedHighway "未鋪砌的公路的長度") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34042-34042
(termFormat EnglishLanguage lengthOfUnpavedHighway "length of unpaved highway") domainEnglishFormat.kif 34041-34041


    (lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA ?LENGTH)
        (KappaFn ?HIGHWAYS
                (instance ?HIGHWAYS UnsurfacedRoadway)
                (located ?HIGHWAYS ?AREA))) ?LENGTH))
Transportation.kif 601-608 lengthOfUnpavedHighway secteur g�ographique and mesure de longueur le longueur de la classe d�crite par cha�ne sympbolique est mesure de longueur
        (lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT UnitOfLength)
        (greaterThan ?LENGTH 0))
    (exists (?HIGHWAY)
            (instance ?HIGHWAY UnsurfacedRoadway)
            (located ?HIGHWAY ?AREA))))
Transportation.kif 610-618
        (totalLengthOfHighwaySystem ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH ?UNIT))
        (lengthOfPavedHighway ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH1 ?UNIT))
        (lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH2 ?UNIT))
        (instance ?UNIT UnitOfLength))
    (totalLengthOfHighwaySystem ?AREA
            (AdditionFn ?LENGTH1 ?LENGTH2) ?UNIT)))
Transportation.kif 510-517
        (totalLengthOfHighwaySystem ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH ?UNIT))
        (lengthOfPavedHighway ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH1 ?UNIT))
        (lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?LENGTH2 ?UNIT)))
    (equal ?LENGTH
        (AdditionFn ?LENGTH1 ?LENGTH2)))
Transportation.kif 503-508
        (totalLengthOfHighwaySystem ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?TOTAL ?UNIT))
        (lengthOfUnpavedHighway ?AREA
            (MeasureFn ?UNPAVED ?UNIT)))
    (greaterThanOrEqualTo ?TOTAL ?UNPAVED))
Transportation.kif 527-533

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