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Sigma KEE - Upadacitinib

appearance as argument number 1

(diseaseMedicine Upadacitinib RheumatoidArthritis Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5547-5547 diseaseMedicine Upadacitinib, RheumatoidArthritis and ing�rer
(documentation Upadacitinib EnglishLanguage "Upadacitinib, sold under the brand name Rinvoq, is a Janus kinase (JAK) inhibitor medication for the treatment of moderately to severely active RheumatoidArthritis in adults where methotrexate (a drug used to treat active arthritis) did not work well or could not be tolerated. It was developed by the biotech company AbbVie. Common side effects include upper respiratory tract infections (common cold, sinus infections), Nausea, Cough, and Fever.[from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 5539-5546
(sideEffect Upadacitinib Fever) Medicine.kif 5549-5549 sideEffect Upadacitinib and Fever
(sideEffect Upadacitinib Nausea) Medicine.kif 5548-5548 sideEffect Upadacitinib and Nausea
(subclass Upadacitinib Medicine) Medicine.kif 5537-5537 Upadacitinib est une sous-classe de Medicine

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Rinvoq Upadacitinib) Medicine.kif 5552-5552 Rinvoq est une sous-classe de Upadacitinib
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Upadacitinib "upadacitinib") Medicine.kif 5550-5550

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