SortimoCorp(Sortimo Corporation) |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(headquartersOfOrganization SortimoCorp Germany) | Cars.kif 5092-5092 | The headquarters of Sortimo Corporation is in germany |
(instance SortimoCorp Corporation) | Cars.kif 5090-5090 | Sortimo Corporation is an instance of corporation |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage SortimoCorp "Sortimo Corporation") | Cars.kif 5091-5091 |
statement |
(exists (?T) (and (subclass ?T HandToolBox) (manufacturer ?T SortimoCorp))) |
Cars.kif 5094-5097 | There exists a kind of object such that a kind of object is a subclass of tool box and the maker of the kind of object is Sortimo Corporation |