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Sigma KEE - Hearing
Hearing(hearing)audile, auditive, auditory, auditory_image, auditory_perception, auditory_sensation, aural, aurally, auricular, biauricular, binaurally, catch, eavesdrop, get, hark, harken, hear, hear_out, heard, hearing, hearken, in_both_ears, in_one_ear, listen_in, listening, melody, monaurally, musical_perception, overhear, rehearing, relistening, sound, sound_perception, speech_perception, take_in, to_both_ears, to_one_ear, tonal_pattern

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Hearing ChineseLanguage "这个 subclass 是属于由听觉 Organ 作出感觉的 Perception。") chinese_format.kif 3317-3318
(documentation Hearing EnglishLanguage "The subclass of Perception in which the sensing is done by an auditory Organ.") Merge.kif 13631-13632
(subclass Hearing Perception) Merge.kif 13630-13630 Hearing is a subclass of perception

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Listening Hearing) Merge.kif 13674-13674 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Hearing "听") chinese_format.kif 1220-1220 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Hearing "hearing") english_format.kif 1661-1661 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Hearing "entendre") french_format.kif 898-898 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat Hindi Hearing "sunanaa") terms-hindi.txt 431-431 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Hearing "Udito") terms-it.txt 434-434 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Hearing "聴覚") japanese_format.kif 2582-2582 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Hearing "Ouvir") portuguese_format.kif 850-850 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat cb Hearing "pagdungngog") terms-cb.txt 436-436 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat cz Hearing "hearing") terms-cz.txt 470-470 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat de Hearing "Gehoer") terms-de.txt 729-729 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat ro Hearing "auz") relations-ro.kif 919-919 Listening is a subclass of hearing
(termFormat tg Hearing "naririnig") terms-tg.txt 435-435 Listening is a subclass of hearing


        (instance ?E Eardrum)
        (part ?E ?H)
        (experiencer ?HEAR ?H)
        (attribute ?H Healthy)
        (instance ?HEAR Hearing))
    (instrument ?HEAR ?E))
Anatomy.kif 1636-1643
        (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
        (patient ?HEAR ?OBJ))
    (exists (?ATTR)
            (instance ?ATTR SoundAttribute)
            (attribute ?OBJ ?ATTR))))
Merge.kif 13634-13641


        (attribute ?ACTOR VoiceActor)
        (instance ?DRAMA DramaticActing)
        (agent ?DRAMA ?ACTOR)
        (instance ?SPEAK LinguisticCommunication)
        (agent ?SPEAK ?ACTOR)
        (subProcess ?SPEAK ?DRAMA))
            (exists (?S ?VIEWER)
                    (instance ?S Seeing)
                    (patient ?S ?ACTOR)
                    (agent ?S ?VIEWER))))
        (exists (?H ?VIEWER)
                (instance ?H Hearing)
                (patient ?H ?ACTOR)
                (agent ?H ?VIEWER)))))
Biography.kif 757-776
        (instance ?HP HearingProtection)
        (instance ?PERSON Human)
        (wears ?PERSON ?HP))
    (hasPurpose ?HP
        (exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
                (instance ?PROC Process)
                (subclass ?INJ
                    (KappaFn ?I
                            (instance ?I Injuring)
                            (exists (?SOUND ?HEAR ?HUMAN ?T)
                                    (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
                                    (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                                    (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                                    (patient ?HEAR ?SOUND)
                                    (experiencer ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                                    (causes ?HEAR ?I)
                                    (experiencer ?I ?HUMAN)
                                        (holdsDuring ?T
                                            (experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
                                            (holdsDuring ?T
                                                (patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
                (prevents ?PROC ?INJ)
                (instrument ?PROC ?HP)))))
Cars.kif 3508-3537
        (instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
        (agent ?SOUND ?OBJ)
        (attribute ?SOUND Audible))
    (exists (?HUMAN ?HEAR)
            (instance ?HUMAN Human)
                (KappaFn ?HEAR
                        (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                        (agent ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                        (destination ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
                        (origin ?HEAR ?OBJ))) agent ?HUMAN))))
Merge.kif 13658-13672
    (attribute ?A Deaf)
        (capability Hearing agent ?A)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 20105-20108
    (holdsDuring ?T
        (attribute ?H
            (ImpairedBodyPartFn Eardrum)))
            (exists (?HEAR)
                    (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                        (WhenFn ?HEAR) ?T)
                    (experiencer ?HEAR ?H)))) Likely))
Anatomy.kif 1645-1656
    (instance ?EAR Ear)
    (capability Hearing instrument ?EAR))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 12395-12397
    (instance ?X PublicAddressSystem)
    (hasPurpose ?X
        (exists (?RS ?AREA ?GRP)
                (instance ?AREA LandArea)
                (located ?X ?AREA)
                (instance ?GRP GroupOfPeople)
                (located ?GRP ?AREA)
                (instance ?RS RadiatingSound)
                (instrument ?RS ?X)
                (forall (?PERSON)
                        (member ?PERSON ?GRP)
                        (exists (?HEAR)
                                (instance ?HEAR Hearing)
                                (patient ?HEAR ?RS)
                                (agent ?HEAR ?PERSON)))))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 26433-26451

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