appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation Amphibian ChineseLanguage "这是一种冷血、表皮光滑的 Vertebrate,它们用腮呼吸,并且 典型的孵化水生幼虫,成年的 Amphibian 用 Lung 呼吸。") | chinese_format.kif 3414-3415 | |
(documentation Amphibian EnglishLanguage "A cold-blooded, smooth-skinned Vertebrate which characteristically hatches as an aquatic larva, breathing by gills. When mature, the Amphibian breathes with Lungs.") | Merge.kif 14603-14605 | |
(subclass Amphibian ColdBloodedVertebrate) | Merge.kif 14602-14602 | Amphibian is a subclass of cold blooded vertebrate |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(disjointDecomposition ColdBloodedVertebrate Amphibian Fish Reptile) | Merge.kif 14593-14593 | Cold blooded vertebrate is disjointly decomposed into amphibian, fish, and reptile |
(subclass Toad Amphibian) | Mid-level-ontology.kif 12520-12520 | Toad is a subclass of amphibian |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Amphibian "两栖动物") | chinese_format.kif 987-987 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Amphibian "amphibian") | english_format.kif 1181-1181 | |
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Amphibian "amphibien") | french_format.kif 664-664 | |
(termFormat Hindi Amphibian "ubhayachara") | terms-hindi.txt 195-195 | |
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Amphibian "Anfibio") | terms-it.txt 198-198 | |
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Amphibian "amphibian") | japanese_format.kif 2348-2348 | |
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Amphibian "Anfibio") | portuguese_format.kif 616-616 | |
(termFormat cb Amphibian "tigpuyo sa yuta'g tubig") | terms-cb.txt 200-200 | |
(termFormat cz Amphibian "amphibian") | terms-cz.txt 232-232 | |
(termFormat ro Amphibian "amfibian") | relations-ro.kif 685-685 | |
(termFormat tg Amphibian "hayop sa tubig at lupa") | terms-tg.txt 199-199 |
consequent |
(=> (secretesToxin ?FROG Batrachotoxin) (subclass ?FROG Amphibian)) |
WMD.kif 313-315 |