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Sigma KEE - connected

appearance as argument number 1

No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. chinese_format.kif 2823-2824
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9528-9529
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. japanese_format.kif 1565-1566
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9525-9525 The number 1 argument of connected is an instance of object
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9526-9526 The number 2 argument of connected is an instance of object
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9521-9521 connected is an instance of binary predicate
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9523-9523 connected is an instance of reflexive relation
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9522-9522 connected is an instance of spatial relation
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9524-9524 connected is an instance of symmetric relation

appearance as argument number 2

No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 4200-4200 crosses and connected are disjoint
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. chinese_format.kif 361-361
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. english_format.kif 364-364
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. french_format.kif 209-209
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-it.txt 52-52
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. japanese_format.kif 2016-2016
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. portuguese_format.kif 161-161
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-cb.txt 86-86
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-cz.txt 216-216
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-de.txt 480-480
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-hindi.txt 93-93
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-ro.kif 229-229
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-sv.txt 226-226
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-tg.txt 120-120
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9592-9592 meets spatially is internally related to connected
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 16117-16117 connected engineering components is a subrelation of connected
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 4033-4033 overlap spatially is a subrelation of connected
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. chinese_format.kif 362-362
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. domainEnglishFormat.kif 16638-16638
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. domainEnglishFormat.kif 16637-16637
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. domainEnglishFormat.kif 16636-16636
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. relations-tg.txt 121-121

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Display limited to 25 items. Show next 25


No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9737-9742
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9576-9582
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 514-518
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9543-9547
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 12405-12419
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 10576-10592
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5330-5335
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 12453-12462
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 17904-17914
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5380-5395
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 10068-10072
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9767-9773
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9752-9757
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9531-9535


No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 17125-17129 An object is adjacent to another object if and only if the object is near to the other object or the object is connected to the other object
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 514-518
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 11966-11976
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Anatomy.kif 32-46
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 12382-12389
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 12430-12437
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Media.kif 690-700
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 10646-10656
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 10606-10616
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9537-9541
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Transportation.kif 2949-2957
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5661-5670
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 11507-11514
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 3538-3547
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 10068-10072
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 2698-2714
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Cars.kif 383-396
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Cars.kif 403-416
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 10061-10066
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9568-9574
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 24326-24333
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5442-5444
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Merge.kif 9957-9959
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Mid-level-ontology.kif 15365-15370
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5129-5136

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appearance as argument number 0

No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5169-5169 Gulf of aden is connected to arabian sea
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5177-5177 Gulf of mexico is connected to caribbean sea
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5176-5176 Gulf of mexico is connected to north atlantic ocean
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5161-5161 Gulf of oman is connected to arabian sea
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 4631-4631 Indian ocean is connected to persian gulf
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 4630-4630 Indian ocean is connected to south pacific ocean
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 4632-4632 Indian ocean is connected to southern ocean
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. CountriesAndRegions.kif 744-744 Mississippi river is connected to Gulf of mexico
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5154-5154 Persian gulf is connected to strait of hormuz
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5168-5168 Red sea is connected to gulf of aden
No TPTP formula. May not be expressible in strict first order. Geography.kif 5160-5160 Strait of hormuz is connected to gulf of oman

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