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Sigma KEE - medicine

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation medicine EnglishLanguage "A Relation between a Medicine and a DiseaseOrSyndrome that is believed to be treatable by that medicine. Note that due to the complexity of biology, the causes of various maladies may not be completely known and treatments can be used based simply on a preponderance of evidence of co_occurrence rather than complete causal models of efficacy, so this relation does not entail a commitment that a disease is actually treated effectively. It does however commit to belief in the treatment by a MedicalDoctor.") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9860-9866
(domain medicine 2 DiseaseOrSyndrome) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9859-9859 The number 2 argument of medicine is an instance of disease or syndrome
(domainSubclass medicine 1 Medicine) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9858-9858 The number 1 argument of medicine is a subclass of medicine
(instance medicine BinaryPredicate) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9857-9857 medicine is an instance of binary predicate

appearance as argument number 2

(format EnglishLanguage medicine "%1 is medicine for %2") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9868-9868
(termFormat EnglishLanguage medicine "medicine") Mid-level-ontology.kif 9867-9867


    (medicine ?MC ?D)
    (exists (?DOC)
            (instance ?DOC MedicalDoctor)
            (believes ?DOC
                (exists (?T ?H ?M)
                        (instance ?M ?MC)
                        (instance ?T TherapeuticProcess)
                        (instance ?H Human)
                        (patientMedical ?H ?DOC)
                        (resource ?T ?M)
                        (benefits ?T ?H)))))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9870-9883


        (instance ?AVM AntiViralMedicine)
        (instance ?AVM ?CLASS))
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D ViralDisease)
            (medicine ?CLASS ?D))))
VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 1259-1266
    (instance ?A Antiparasitic)
    (exists (?D ?AVM)
            (instance ?D ParasiticDisease)
            (medicine ?AVM ?D))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9901-9906
    (subclass ?A Antibiotic)
    (exists (?D)
            (instance ?D BacterialDisease)
            (medicine ?A ?D))))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9889-9894

appearance as argument number 0

(medicine Adrenaline Analphylaxis) Medicine.kif 6343-6343 Epinephrine is medicine for Analphylaxis
(medicine Antidepressant Depression) Mid-level-ontology.kif 9911-9911 Anti_depressant is medicine for depressed
(medicine Remdesivir Covid19) VirusProteinAndCellPart.kif 1271-1271 Veklury is medicine for Covid
(medicine Singulair Asthma) Medicine.kif 3234-3234 Montelukast is medicine for asthma
(medicine Vyvanse ADHD) Medicine.kif 3298-3298 Lisdexamfetamine is medicine for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

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