Right(right) | dextral, dextrorsal, dextrorse, far, right, right-hand, right-side-out, right-side-up, right_stage, stage_right, starboard |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(contraryAttribute Right Left) | Merge.kif 17189-17189 | Right is the opposite of left |
(documentation Right ChineseLanguage "这是一个由左/右模式所衍生的 PositionalAttribute。注: 这是指直接在右边,也就是说如果一个物体在另外一个物体的右边的话,那么这两个物体的投影就会交叠。") | chinese_format.kif 3826-3827 | |
(documentation Right EnglishLanguage "This PositionalAttribute is derived from the left/ right schema. Note that this means directly to the right, so that, if one object is to the right of another, then the projections of the two objects overlap.") | Merge.kif 17190-17193 | |
(instance Right AntiSymmetricPositionalAttribute) | Merge.kif 17188-17188 | Right is an instance of anti-symmetric positional attribute |
(instance Right PositionalAttribute) | Merge.kif 17187-17187 | Right is an instance of positional attribute |
appearance as argument number 2 |
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Right "右") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 50008-50008 | |
(termFormat ChineseTraditionalLanguage Right "右") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 50007-50007 | |
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Right "right") | domainEnglishFormat.kif 50006-50006 | |
(termFormat tg Right "kanan") | terms-tg.txt 537-537 |
antecedent |
(<=> (orientation ?OBJ1 ?OBJ2 Right) (orientation ?OBJ2 ?OBJ1 Left)) |
Merge.kif 17195-17197 | An object is right to another object if and only if the other object is left to the object |
(=> (and (orientation ?X ?Y Right) (orientation ?Z ?Y Left)) (orientation ?X ?Z Right)) |
Merge.kif 17002-17006 |
consequent |
statement |