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Sigma KEE - Reptile
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African_chameleon, African_monitor, Agamidae, Alligatoridae, Amblyrhynchus, Amblyrhynchus_cristatus, American_chameleon, Amphisbaena, Amphisbaenia, Amphisbaenidae, Anapsida, Anguidae, Anguis, Anguis_fragilis, Anniellidae, Anolis, Anolis_carolinensis, Apatosaurus_excelsus, Archosauria, Basiliscus, Caiman_sclerops, Callisaurus, Callisaurus_draconoides, Carnosaura, Ceratopsia, Ceratopsidae, Chamaeleo, Chamaeleo_chamaeleon, Chamaeleo_oweni, Chamaeleonidae, Chamaeleontidae, Chelonia, Chelonidae, Cheloniidae, Chihuahuan_spotted_whiptail, Chlamydosaurus, Chlamydosaurus_kingi, Chronoperates, Chronoperates_paradoxus, Cnemidophorus, Cnemidophorus_exsanguis, Cnemidophorus_sexlineatus, Cnemidophorus_tesselatus, Cnemidophorus_tigris, Cnemidophorus_velox, Coleonyx, Cordylidae, Cordylus, Crocodilia, Crocodylia...

appearance as argument number 1

(documentation Reptile ChineseLanguage "这是一种体外有層鳞片或角质板的 ColdBloodedVertebrateReptileLung 呼吸,并通属常卵生。") chinese_format.kif 3441-3442
(documentation Reptile EnglishLanguage "A ColdBloodedVertebrate having an external covering of scales or horny plates. Reptiles breathe by means of Lungs and generally lay eggs.") Merge.kif 14719-14721
(externalImage Reptile " 0f/ Badende_%C3%B8gle.jpg") pictureList.kif 4804-4804
(externalImage Reptile " 4/ 43/ SaltwaterCrocodile('Maximo').jpg/ 180px_SaltwaterCrocodile('Maximo').jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 27-27
(externalImage Reptile " 5/ 55/ Agkistrodon_contortrix_phaeogaster.jpg/ 180px_Agkistrodon_contortrix_phaeogaster.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 26-26
(externalImage Reptile " 9/ 93/ Perentie_Lizard_Perth_Zoo_SMC_Spet_2005.jpg/ 275px_Perentie_Lizard_Perth_Zoo_SMC_Spet_2005.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 28-28
(externalImage Reptile " 29/ Tiger_snake.jpg/ 250px_Tiger_snake.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 29-29
(externalImage Reptile " b0/ Eunectes_notaeus.jpg/ 243px_Eunectes_notaeus.jpg") pictureList-ImageNet.kif 30-30
(subclass Reptile ColdBloodedVertebrate) Merge.kif 14718-14718 Reptile is a subclass of cold blooded vertebrate

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Alligator Reptile) Mid-level-ontology.kif 20556-20556 Alligator is a subclass of reptile
(subclass Crocodile Reptile) Mid-level-ontology.kif 30833-30833 Crocodile is a subclass of reptile
(subclass Snake Reptile) Mid-level-ontology.kif 12780-12780 Snake is a subclass of reptile
(subclass Turtle Reptile) Economy.kif 5038-5038 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat ChineseLanguage Reptile "爬虫类") chinese_format.kif 1003-1003 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Reptile "reptile") english_format.kif 1218-1218 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat FrenchLanguage Reptile "reptile") french_format.kif 680-680 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat Hindi Reptile "sarisQpa") terms-hindi.txt 211-211 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat ItalianLanguage Reptile "Rettile") terms-it.txt 214-214 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat JapaneseLanguage Reptile "爬虫類") japanese_format.kif 2364-2364 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat PortugueseLanguage Reptile "Reptil") portuguese_format.kif 632-632 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat cz Reptile "reptile") terms-cz.txt 248-248 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat ro Reptile "reptilã") relations-ro.kif 701-701 Turtle is a subclass of reptile
(termFormat tg Reptile "Reptilya") terms-tg.txt 215-215 Turtle is a subclass of reptile

appearance as argument number 4

(disjointDecomposition ColdBloodedVertebrate Amphibian Fish Reptile) Merge.kif 14602-14602 Cold blooded vertebrate is disjointly decomposed into amphibian, fish, and reptile


        (instance ?R Reptile)
        (sheddingBodyPart ?R ?S))
    (instance ?S Skin))
Geography.kif 6442-6446


        (instance ?A Animal)
        (instance ?S AnimalShell)
        (part ?S ?A))
        (instance ?A Invertebrate)
        (instance ?A Reptile)))
Mid-level-ontology.kif 11749-11756

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