PsychologicalProcess(psychological process) | Passion, Passion_of_Christ, accept, act_on, adhere, adopt, advisement, affect, afterthought, air_castle, anticipate, apperception, apply, associative, associatory, await, bank, basic_cognitive_process, bedaze, believe, believe_in, besot, brainstorm, brainwave, breakdown, castle_in_Spain, castle_in_the_air, chimaera, chimera, cogitation, cognitive_operation, cognitive_process, coinage, color, colour, come, come_to, compensation, conceive, conceptualisation, conceptualization, concern, conform_to, confusion, consider, contemplation, contrivance, conversion, cost-benefit_analysis, daydream... |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(documentation PsychologicalProcess ChineseLanguage "这是一个在 Organism 的精神或大脑所产生 的 BiologicalProcess,它可以在 Organism 的行为中表现出来。") | chinese_format.kif 2920-2921 | |
(documentation PsychologicalProcess EnglishLanguage "A BiologicalProcess which takes place in the mind or brain of an Organism and which may be manifested in the behavior of the Organism.") | Merge.kif 10423-10425 | |
(documentation PsychologicalProcess JapaneseLanguage "BiologicalProcess は、%Organism の 心または脳で起こり、%Organism の行動に現れる可能性がある。") | japanese_format.kif 1669-1670 | |
(subclass PsychologicalProcess BiologicalProcess) | Merge.kif 10421-10421 | Psychological process is a subclass of biological process |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
(=> (instance ?PROCESS PsychologicalProcess) (exists (?ANIMAL) (and (instance ?ANIMAL Animal) (experiencer ?PROCESS ?ANIMAL)))) |
Merge.kif 10427-10432 |
statement |
(subclass ThinkingDifficulty (ImpairmentFn PsychologicalProcess)) |
Medicine.kif 2041-2041 | Brain fog is a subclass of impairment in psychological process |