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Sigma KEE - Ondansetron

appearance as argument number 1

(diseaseMedicine Ondansetron Nausea Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5087-5087 Ondansetron is disease treatment nausea for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Ondansetron Nausea Injecting) Medicine.kif 5086-5086 Ondansetron is disease treatment nausea for injecting
(diseaseMedicine Ondansetron Vomiting Ingesting) Medicine.kif 5089-5089 Ondansetron is disease treatment vomiting for ingesting
(diseaseMedicine Ondansetron Vomiting Injecting) Medicine.kif 5088-5088 Ondansetron is disease treatment vomiting for injecting
(documentation Ondansetron EnglishLanguage "Ondansetron, sold under the brand name Zofran among others, is a medication used to prevent Nausea and Vomiting caused by cancer chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or surgery. It is also effective for treating gastroenteritis. It is ineffective for treating vomiting caused by motion sickness. It can be given by Mouth or by injection into a Muscle or into a Vein. Common side effects include Diarrhea, constipation, Headache, sleepiness, and itchiness. [from Wikipedia]") Medicine.kif 5077-5084
(sideEffect Ondansetron Diarrhea) Medicine.kif 5090-5090 Diarrhea is a side effect of taking ondansetron
(sideEffect Ondansetron Headache) Medicine.kif 5091-5091 Headache is a side effect of taking ondansetron
(subclass Ondansetron Medicine) Medicine.kif 5076-5076 Ondansetron is a subclass of medicine

appearance as argument number 2

(subclass Zofran Ondansetron) Medicine.kif 5093-5093 Zofran is a subclass of ondansetron
(termFormat EnglishLanguage Ondansetron "ondansetron") Medicine.kif 5085-5085

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