(instance ?HP HearingProtection)
(instance ?PERSON Human)
(wears ?PERSON ?HP))
(hasPurpose ?HP
(exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
(instance ?PROC Process)
(subclass ?INJ
(KappaFn ?I
(instance ?I Injuring)
(exists (?SOUND ?HEAR ?HUMAN ?T)
(instance ?SOUND RadiatingSound)
(instance ?HEAR Hearing)
(instance ?HUMAN Human)
(patient ?HEAR ?SOUND)
(experiencer ?HEAR ?HUMAN)
(causes ?HEAR ?I)
(experiencer ?I ?HUMAN)
(holdsDuring ?T
(experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
(holdsDuring ?T
(patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
(prevents ?PROC ?INJ)
(instrument ?PROC ?HP))))) |
Cars.kif 3507-3536 |
(instance ?INJ Damaging)
(instance ?ORGANISM Organism)
(patient ?INJ ?ORGANISM))
(instance ?INJ Injuring)) |
Merge.kif 10497-10502 |
(instance ?SH SafetyHarness)
(instance ?PERSON Animal)
(wears ?PERSON ?SH))
(hasPurpose ?SH
(exists (?PROC ?INJ ?I)
(instance ?PROC Process)
(instrument ?PROC ?SH)
(patient ?PROC ?PERSON)
(subclass ?INJ
(KappaFn ?I
(instance ?I Injuring)
(exists (?F ?H ?T)
(instance ?H Human)
(experiencer ?I ?H)
(instance ?F Falling)
(experiencer ?F ?H)
(causes ?F ?I)
(holdsDuring ?T
(experiencer ?I ?PERSON))
(holdsDuring ?T
(patient ?PROC ?PERSON)))))))))
(prevents ?PROC ?INJ))))) |
Cars.kif 3449-3477 |
(instance ?V ViolentContest)
(patient ?V ?H)
(attribute ?H
(InjuryCausedFn ?PC))
(attribute ?H
(ImpairedBodyPartFn Airway)))
(subclass ?PC Combustion)
(exists (?FI)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(located ?I ?F)
(instance ?F Face)
(patient ?I ?H)))) Likely)) |
Medicine.kif 698-715 |
(instance ?X Respirator)
(instance ?PERSON Animal)
(wears ?PERSON ?X))
(hasPurpose ?X
(exists (?INHAL ?INJ ?PROTECT ?I)
(instance ?PROTECT Process)
(instrument ?PROTECT ?X)
(prevents ?PROTECT ?INJ)
(subclass ?INJ
(KappaFn ?I
(instance ?I Injuring)
(exists (?H)
(instance ?H Human)
(patient ?I ?H)
(instance ?INHAL Inhaling)
(agent ?INHAL ?H)
(causes ?I ?INHAL)))))))))) |
Cars.kif 3591-3612 |
(attribute ?H
(InjuryCausedFn ?PC))
(exists (?I ?P)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(patient ?I ?H)
(instance ?P ?PC)
(causes ?P ?I)))) |
Medicine.kif 403-410 |
(attribute ?H Bruise)
(exists (?I ?P)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(patient ?I ?H)
(instance ?P Bleeding)
(causes ?P ?I)))) |
Medicine.kif 425-432 |
(holdsDuring ?T
(attribute ?X SafetyPosition))
(holdsDuring ?T
(hasPurpose ?X
(exists (?P ?H ?I ?T2)
(instance ?H Human)
(instance ?P Process)
(patient ?P ?H)
(agent ?P ?X)
(prevents ?P
(KappaFn ?I
(instance ?I Injuring)
(holdsDuring ?T2
(experiencer ?I ?H))
(holdsDuring ?T2
(patient ?P ?H)))))))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 30996-31016 |
(instance ?A Ambulance)
(hasPurpose ?A
(exists (?P ?T)
(instance ?P Human)
(attribute ?P DiseaseOrSyndrome)
(exists (?I ?H)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(experiencer ?I ?H)
(before ?I ?T))))
(instance ?T Transportation)
(instrument ?T ?A)
(patient ?T ?H))))) |
Transportation.kif 2046-2061 |
(instance ?BLEED Bleeding)
(exists (?INJURY)
(instance ?INJURY Injuring)
(causes ?INJURY ?BLEED)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 21672-21677 |
(instance ?C CSGas)
(hasPurpose ?C
(exists (?INJ ?ORG)
(instance ?INJ Injuring)
(instrument ?INJ ?C)
(patient ?INJ ?ORG)
(instance ?ORG Animal))))) |
MilitaryDevices.kif 1345-1353 |
(instance ?CS ChestSeal)
(hasPurpose ?CS
(exists (?C ?CH ?I ?H)
(instance ?C Closing)
(instrument ?C ?CS)
(located ?C ?CH)
(instance ?CH Chest)
(instance ?H HoleRegion)
(equal ?CH
(HoleHostFn ?H))
(instance ?I Injuring)
(located ?I ?CH)
(WhenFn ?I)
(WhenFn ?C)))))) |
Medicine.kif 828-844 |
(instance ?L Lesion)
(exists (?I)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(result ?I ?L)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 9607-9612 |
(instance ?PE ProtectiveEyewear)
(hasPurpose ?PE
(exists (?PERSON)
(instance ?PERSON Human)
(wears ?PERSON ?PE)))
(exists (?PROTECT ?EYE ?INJ ?I ?T)
(instance ?PROTECT Process)
(instrument ?PROTECT ?PE)
(subclass ?INJ
(KappaFn ?I
(exists (?HUMAN)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(instance ?EYE Eye)
(instance ?HUMAN Human)
(properPart ?EYE ?HUMAN)
(patient ?I ?EYE)
(holdsDuring ?T
(patient ?I ?PERSON))
(holdsDuring ?T
(patient ?PROTECT ?PERSON))))))))
(prevents ?PROTECT ?INJ)))))) |
Cars.kif 3542-3569 |
(instance ?S Shield)
(hasPurpose ?S
(exists (?P ?H ?I)
(instance ?P Protecting)
(instrument ?P ?S)
(instance ?H Human)
(patient ?P ?H)
(prevents ?P
(KappaFn ?I
(instance ?I Injuring)
(exists (?W)
(instance ?W Weapon)
(instrument ?I ?W)))
(patient ?I ?H)
(patient ?P ?H)))))))))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 1465-1485 |
(instance ?SE ShrapnelExplosion)
(hasPurpose ?SE
(exists (?P)
(instance ?P Injuring)
(instance ?P Killing))
(causes ?SE ?P))))) |
Medicine.kif 6287-6295 |
(instance ?SV SafetyVest)
(hasPurpose ?SV
(instance ?PERSON Animal)
(instance ?SPECTATOR Human)
(wears ?PERSON ?SV)
(exists (?SEE)
(instance ?SEE Seeing)
(patient ?SEE ?PERSON)
(experiencer ?SEE ?SPECTATOR))))
(exists (?SEE)
(instance ?SEE Seeing)
(patient ?SEE ?PERSON)
(experiencer ?SEE ?SPECTATOR)))
(exists (?INJ)
(instance ?INJ Injuring)
(patient ?INJ ?PERSON)))))))) |
Cars.kif 3618-3642 |
(instance ?X AutoAirbag)
(hasPurpose ?X
(exists (?CAR ?PERSON ?IMP ?INF ?INJ ?HIT)
(instance ?CAR Automobile)
(part ?X ?CAR)
(instance ?PERSON Human)
(contains ?CAR ?PERSON)
(instance ?IMP Impacting)
(patient ?IMP ?CAR)
(instance ?INF Inflating)
(patient ?INF ?X)
(causes ?IMP ?INF)
(hinders ?INF
(KappaFn ?INJ
(instance ?INJ Injuring)
(experiencer ?INJ ?PERSON)
(exists (?HIT)
(instance ?HIT Impacting)
(destination ?HIT ?CAR)
(experiencer ?HIT ?PERSON)
(causes ?HIT ?INJ)))))))))) |
Cars.kif 3692-3716 |
- If a physical is an instance of airbag,
- then the physical has the purpose there exist an entity, another entity,, , a third entity,, , a fourth entity,, , a fifth entity and a sixth entity such that the entity is an instance of automobile and the physical is a part of the entity and the other entity is an instance of human and the entity contains the other entity and the third entity is an instance of impacting and the entity is a patient of the third entity and the fourth entity is an instance of inflating and the physical is a patient of the fourth entity and the third entity causes the fourth entity and the fourth entity hinders the class described by the fifth entity
(instance ?X SafetyDevice)
(hasPurpose ?X
(exists (?P ?H ?I ?T)
(instance ?H Human)
(instance ?P Process)
(patient ?P ?H)
(instrument ?P ?X)
(prevents ?P
(KappaFn ?I
(instance ?I Injuring)
(holdsDuring ?T
(experiencer ?I ?H))
(holdsDuring ?T
(patient ?P ?H))))))))))) |
Cars.kif 3415-3433 |
(instance ?X SeatBelt)
(hasPurpose ?X
(instance ?VEHICLE Vehicle)
(part ?X ?VEHICLE)
(instance ?PERSON Human)
(contains ?VEHICLE ?PERSON)
(instance ?STOP Process)
(prevents ?STOP
(KappaFn ?M
(instance ?M Translocation)
(patient ?M ?PERSON)
(exists (?COLLISION)
(instance ?COLLISION Decelerating)
(instance ?COLLISION Impacting))
(experiencer ?COLLISION ?VEHICLE)
(causes ?COLLISION ?M)))
(exists (?INJ ?IMP)
(instance ?INJ Injuring)
(instance ?IMP Impacting)
(causes ?M ?INJ)
(patient ?INJ ?PERSON)
(subProcess ?IMP ?INJ))) Possibility)))))))) |
Cars.kif 3735-3764 |
(parasite ?O1 ?O2)
(exists (?I)
(instance ?I Injuring)
(agent ?I ?O1)
(patient ?I ?O2)))) |
Mid-level-ontology.kif 6278-6284 |