IndianOcean(indian ocean) | Indian_Ocean |
appearance as argument number 1 |
(connected IndianOcean PersianGulf) | Geography.kif 4631-4631 | Indian ocean is connected to persian gulf |
(connected IndianOcean SouthPacificOcean) | Geography.kif 4630-4630 | Indian ocean is connected to south pacific ocean |
(connected IndianOcean SouthernOcean) | Geography.kif 4632-4632 | Indian ocean is connected to southern ocean |
(documentation IndianOcean EnglishLanguage "IndianOcean represents the Indian Ocean.") | Geography.kif 4628-4628 | |
(externalImage IndianOcean " Country_Maps/ I/ Indian_Ocean.png") | pictureList.kif 514-514 | |
(instance IndianOcean Ocean) | Geography.kif 4625-4625 | Indian ocean is an instance of ocean |
appearance as argument number 2 |
antecedent |
statement |
(located FrenchSouthernAndAntarcticLands (DirectionalSubregionFn South IndianOcean)) |
CountriesAndRegions.kif 588-588 | French southern and antarctic lands is located at the directional subregion of south and indian ocean |